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function lazy_pane_get_request_path in Lazy Pane 7

Returns the lazy pane host page path.


string $path: Sets the lazy pane request path. Do not modify.

Return value

string The lazy pane request path, or an empty string if not set.

2 calls to lazy_pane_get_request_path()
lazy_pane_ajax in ./
Menu callback to load a lazy-pane through ajax.
lazy_pane_form_alter in ./lazy_pane.module
Implements hook_form_alter().


./lazy_pane.module, line 82
Main file for lazy_pane module.


function lazy_pane_get_request_path($path = NULL) {
  $request_path =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, '');
  if (!empty($path) && is_string($path)) {
    $request_path = $path;
  return $request_path;