class PluginManagerTest in Layout Plugin (obsolete, use core's Layout Discovery) 8
Tests the LayoutPluginManager.
@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\layout_plugin\Plugin\Layout\LayoutPluginManager
@group LayoutPlugin
- class \Drupal\Tests\UnitTestCase extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase uses PhpunitCompatibilityTrait
- class \Drupal\Tests\layout_plugin\Unit\PluginManagerTest
Expanded class hierarchy of PluginManagerTest
- tests/
src/ Unit/ PluginManagerTest.php, line 15
Drupal\Tests\layout_plugin\UnitView source
class PluginManagerTest extends UnitTestCase {
* Test processDefinition.
* @covers ::processDefinition
public function testProcessDefinition() {
$namespaces = new \ArrayObject();
$namespaces['Drupal\\layout_plugin_test'] = $this->root . '/modules/layout_plugin_test/src';
$cache_backend = $this
$module_handler = $this
$extension = $this
$theme_handler = $this
$plugin_manager = new LayoutPluginManager($namespaces, $cache_backend, $module_handler, $theme_handler);
// A simple definition with only the required keys.
$definition = [
'label' => 'Simple layout',
'category' => 'Test layouts',
'theme' => 'simple_layout',
'provider' => 'layout_plugin_test',
'regions' => [
'first' => [
'label' => 'First region',
'second' => [
'label' => 'Second region',
->processDefinition($definition, 'simple_layout');
->assertEquals('modules/layout_plugin_test', $definition['path']);
'first' => 'First region',
'second' => 'Second region',
], $definition['region_names']);
// A more complex definition.
$definition = [
'label' => 'Complex layout',
'category' => 'Test layouts',
'template' => 'complex-layout',
'library' => 'library_module/library_name',
'provider' => 'layout_plugin_test',
'path' => 'layout/complex',
'icon' => 'complex-layout.png',
'regions' => [
'first' => [
'label' => 'First region',
'second' => [
'label' => 'Second region',
->processDefinition($definition, 'complex_layout');
->assertEquals('modules/layout_plugin_test/layout/complex', $definition['path']);
->assertEquals('modules/layout_plugin_test/layout/complex', $definition['template_path']);
->assertEquals('modules/layout_plugin_test/layout/complex/complex-layout.png', $definition['icon']);
->assertEquals('complex_layout', $definition['theme']);
'module' => [
], $definition['dependencies']);
// A layout with a template path.
$definition = [
'label' => 'Split layout',
'category' => 'Test layouts',
'template' => 'templates/split-layout',
'provider' => 'layout_plugin_test',
'path' => 'layouts',
'icon' => 'images/split-layout.png',
'regions' => [
'first' => [
'label' => 'First region',
'second' => [
'label' => 'Second region',
->processDefinition($definition, 'split_layout');
->assertEquals('modules/layout_plugin_test/layouts', $definition['path']);
->assertEquals('modules/layout_plugin_test/layouts/templates', $definition['template_path']);
->assertEquals('modules/layout_plugin_test/layouts/images/split-layout.png', $definition['icon']);
->assertEquals('split_layout', $definition['theme']);
// A layout with an auto-registered library.
$definition = [
'label' => 'Auto library',
'category' => 'Test layouts',
'theme' => 'auto_library',
'provider' => 'layout_plugin_test',
'path' => 'layouts/auto_library',
'css' => 'css/auto-library.css',
'regions' => [
'first' => [
'label' => 'First region',
'second' => [
'label' => 'Second region',
->processDefinition($definition, 'auto_library');
->assertEquals('modules/layout_plugin_test/layouts/auto_library/css/auto-library.css', $definition['css']);
->assertEquals('layout_plugin/auto_library', $definition['library']);
* Test getting layout options.
* @covers ::getLayoutOptions
public function testGetLayoutOptions() {
/** @var LayoutPluginManager|\PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockBuilder $layout_manager */
$layout_manager = $this
'simple_layout' => [
'label' => 'Simple layout',
'category' => 'Test layouts',
'complex_layout' => [
'label' => 'Complex layout',
'category' => 'Test layouts',
$options = $layout_manager
'simple_layout' => 'Simple layout',
'complex_layout' => 'Complex layout',
], $options);
$options = $layout_manager
'group_by_category' => TRUE,
'Test layouts' => [
'simple_layout' => 'Simple layout',
'complex_layout' => 'Complex layout',
], $options);
* Tests layout theme implementations.
* @covers ::getThemeImplementations
public function testGetThemeImplementations() {
/** @var LayoutPluginManager|\PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockBuilder $layout_manager */
$layout_manager = $this
// Should get template registered automatically.
'simple_layout' => [
'path' => 'modules/layout_plugin_test',
'template_path' => 'modules/layout_plugin_test/templates',
'template' => 'simple-layout',
'theme' => 'simple_layout',
// Shouldn't get registered automatically.
'complex_layout' => [
'path' => 'modules/layout_plugin_test',
'theme' => 'complex_layout',
$theme_registry = $layout_manager
'simple_layout' => [
'render element' => 'content',
'template' => 'simple-layout',
'path' => 'modules/layout_plugin_test/templates',
], $theme_registry);
* Tests layout theme implementations.
* @covers ::alterThemeImplementations
public function testAlterThemeImplementations() {
/** @var LayoutPluginManager|\PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockBuilder $layout_manager */
$layout_manager = $this
'simple_layout' => [
'template' => 'simple-layout',
'theme' => 'simple_layout',
'no_template_preprocess' => [
'template' => 'no-template-preprocess',
'theme' => 'no_template_preprocess',
'only_template_preprocess' => [
'template' => 'only-template-preprocess',
'theme' => 'only_template_preprocess',
// If the user registered the theme hook themselves, then we don't
// want to add our preprocess function (because we're not totally sure
// how it'll work).
'complex_layout' => [
'theme' => 'complex_layout',
$theme_registry = [
'other_theme_hook' => [
'preprocess functions' => [
'simple_layout' => [
'preprocess functions' => [
'simple_layout__suggestion_template' => [
'base hook' => 'simple_layout',
'preprocess functions' => [
// Make sure our alter still works if there is no 'template_preprocess'.
'no_template_preprocess' => [
'preprocess functions' => [
// Make sure our alter still works if there's only 'template_preprocess'.
'only_template_preprocess' => [
'preprocess functions' => [
'complex_layout' => [
'preprocess functions' => [
'other_theme_hook' => [
'preprocess functions' => [
'simple_layout' => [
'preprocess functions' => [
'simple_layout__suggestion_template' => [
'base hook' => 'simple_layout',
'preprocess functions' => [
'no_template_preprocess' => [
'preprocess functions' => [
'only_template_preprocess' => [
'preprocess functions' => [
'complex_layout' => [
'preprocess functions' => [
], $theme_registry);
* Tests layout plugin library info.
* @covers ::getLibraryInfo
public function testGetLibraryInfo() {
/** @var \Drupal\layout_plugin\Plugin\Layout\LayoutPluginManager|\PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject $layout_manager */
$layout_manager = $this
// Should get template registered automatically.
'simple_layout' => [
'css' => 'modules/layout_plugin_test/layouts/simple_layout/simple-layout.css',
'library' => 'layout_plugin/simple_layout',
'provider_type' => 'module',
'provider' => 'layout_plugin_test',
'theme_layout' => [
'css' => 'themes/theme_with_layout/layouts/theme_layout/theme-layout.css',
'library' => 'layout_plugin/theme_layout',
'provider_type' => 'theme',
'provider' => 'theme_with_layout',
'complex_layout' => [
'library' => 'layout_plugin_test/complex_layout',
$library_info = $layout_manager
'simple_layout' => [
'version' => '1.2.3',
'css' => [
'theme' => [
'/modules/layout_plugin_test/layouts/simple_layout/simple-layout.css' => [],
'theme_layout' => [
'version' => '2.3.4',
'css' => [
'theme' => [
'/themes/theme_with_layout/layouts/theme_layout/theme-layout.css' => [],
], $library_info);
Name![]() |
Modifiers | Type | Description | Overrides |
PhpunitCompatibilityTrait:: |
public | function | Returns a mock object for the specified class using the available method. | |
PhpunitCompatibilityTrait:: |
public | function | Compatibility layer for PHPUnit 6 to support PHPUnit 4 code. | |
PluginManagerTest:: |
public | function | Tests layout theme implementations. | |
PluginManagerTest:: |
public | function | Test getting layout options. | |
PluginManagerTest:: |
public | function | Tests layout plugin library info. | |
PluginManagerTest:: |
public | function | Tests layout theme implementations. | |
PluginManagerTest:: |
public | function | Test processDefinition. | |
UnitTestCase:: |
protected | property | The random generator. | |
UnitTestCase:: |
protected | property | The app root. | 1 |
UnitTestCase:: |
protected | function | Asserts if two arrays are equal by sorting them first. | |
UnitTestCase:: |
protected | function | Mocks a block with a block plugin. | 1 |
UnitTestCase:: |
protected | function | Returns a stub class resolver. | |
UnitTestCase:: |
public | function | Returns a stub config factory that behaves according to the passed array. | |
UnitTestCase:: |
public | function | Returns a stub config storage that returns the supplied configuration. | |
UnitTestCase:: |
protected | function | Sets up a container with a cache tags invalidator. | |
UnitTestCase:: |
protected | function | Gets the random generator for the utility methods. | |
UnitTestCase:: |
public | function | Returns a stub translation manager that just returns the passed string. | |
UnitTestCase:: |
public | function | Generates a unique random string containing letters and numbers. | |
UnitTestCase:: |
protected | function | 340 |