You are here in Layout Builder Symmetric Translations 8

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  1. services:
  2. # The following 2 services are from the core patch in
  3. access_check.entity.layout_builder_translation_access:
  4. class: Drupal\layout_builder_st\Access\LayoutBuilderTranslationAccessCheck
  5. tags:
  6. - { name: access_check, applies_to: _layout_builder_translation_access }
  7. layout_builder.translate_block_component_subscriber:
  8. class: Drupal\layout_builder_st\EventSubscriber\ComponentPluginTranslate
  9. arguments: ['@language_manager', '@current_route_match']
  10. tags:
  11. - { name: event_subscriber }
  12. # The route subscriber service is only needed to alter core layout_builder routes.
  13. layout_builder.route_subscriber:
  14. class: Drupal\layout_builder_st\Routing\RouteSubscriber
  15. tags:
  16. - { name: event_subscriber }
  17. # Override the class resolver to so that InlineBlockEntityOperations can be swapped to the extend version.
  18. class_resolver:
  19. class: Drupal\layout_builder_st\DependencyInjection\ClassResolver
  20. calls:
  21. - [setContainer, ['@service_container']]
  22. plugin.manager.element_info:
  23. class: Drupal\layout_builder_st\ElementManager
  24. arguments: ['@container.namespaces', '@cache.discovery', '@cache_tags.invalidator', '@module_handler', '@theme.manager']