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function rlayout_breakpoints_load_all in Layout 8

Helper function to return processed breakpoint information for layouts.

@todo Currently tied to one breakpoint group in rlayout, but it should be made independent and configurable.

2 calls to rlayout_breakpoints_load_all()
RLayoutFormController::form in lib/Drupal/rlayout/RLayoutFormController.php
Overrides Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityFormController::form().
rlayout_breakpoint_get_css in ./rlayout.module
Build CSS for the breakpoints with media queries.


./rlayout.module, line 135
Responsive layout builder tool for Panels.


function rlayout_breakpoints_load_all() {
  $grid_breakpoints = entity_load('breakpoint_group', 'module.rlayout.rlayout');
  $breakpoint_info = array();
  foreach ($grid_breakpoints->breakpoints as $key => $breakpoint) {

    // Only include this breakpoint in the output if we found a grid for it.
    // Other type of breakpoints are not useful for us, since we cannot display
    // an editing interface without a grid for each breakpoint.
    if ($grid = rlayout_breakpoint_find_grid($key)) {

      // @todo This considers em and px based widths the same number. This is due
      // to the JS responsive layout designer not being able to take qualified
      // widths. It can only take numbers. Should be fixed there first and then
      // here.
      $low_width = 0;
      if (preg_match('!min-width: (\\d+)[ep]!', $breakpoint->mediaQuery, $found)) {
        $low_width = $found[1];
      $breakpoint_info[$key] = (object) array(
        'id' => $key,
        'label' => $breakpoint->label,
        'width' => $low_width,
        'grid' => $grid,
        'mediaQuery' => $breakpoint->mediaQuery,
  return $breakpoint_info;