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function _language_selection_page_validate_language in Language Selection Page 6

Validate a string against an existing and enabled language prefix.


$string: The string to compare to each language prefix.

Return value

object|NULL Returns a valid language object if $string match an existing prefix. Returns NULL is the $string doesn't match an existing language prefix.

3 calls to _language_selection_page_validate_language()
_language_selection_page_detect_lang_from_cookie in includes/
Custom function who detect the language from a cookie.
_language_selection_page_detect_lang_from_url in includes/
Custom function who detect the language from URL.
_language_selection_page_detect_lang_from_url_argument in includes/
Custom function who detect the language from a URL argument.


includes/, line 78
This file contains all the custom functions needed for the module.


function _language_selection_page_validate_language($string) {
  $lang_list = language_list('enabled');
  $lang_list = $lang_list[1];
  foreach ($lang_list as $lang) {
    if (!empty($lang->prefix) && $lang->prefix == $string) {
      return $lang;
  return NULL;