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function _labjs_fix_inline in LABjs 7

Convert inline script.

It also fixes some exceptions.

Return value

boolean FALSE if LabJS should not be enabled, TRUE otherwise.

2 calls to _labjs_fix_inline()
labjs_advagg_modify_js_pre_render_alter in ./labjs.module
Implements hook_advagg_modify_js_pre_render_alter().
labjs_preprocess_html_tag in ./labjs.module
Implements hook_preprocess_html_tag().


./labjs.module, line 191
LABjs module


function _labjs_fix_inline(&$value) {

  // Some JavaScripts do not support LABjs
  if (strpos($value, '') !== FALSE || strpos($value, '') !== FALSE) {
    return FALSE;

  // Google Analytics compatibility
  $value = str_replace('var _gaq = _gaq || [];', 'if (typeof(_gaq)=="undefined") _gaq=[];', $value);

  // Piwik compatibility
  $value = str_replace('var _paq = _paq || [];', 'if (typeof(_paq)=="undefined") _paq=[];', $value);
  $value = "\$L = \$L.wait(function() {\n" . $value . "\n});";
  return TRUE;