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function l10n_update_get_history in Localization update 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 l10n_update.module \l10n_update_get_history()

Get update history.


boolean $refresh: TRUE = refresh the history data.

Return value

An array of translation files indexed by project and language.

7 calls to l10n_update_get_history()
drush_l10n_update_status in ./
Callback for command l10n-update-status.
l10n_update_admin_overview in ./
Page callback: Admin overview page.
l10n_update_available_updates in ./l10n_update.module
Get available updates.
l10n_update_flag_history in ./
Flag the file history as up to date.
l10n_update_language_refresh in ./
Language refresh. Runs a batch for loading the selected languages.

... See full list


./l10n_update.module, line 392
Download translations from remote localization server.


function l10n_update_get_history($refresh = NULL) {
  static $status;
  if ($refresh || !isset($status)) {

    // Now add downloads history to projects
    $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {l10n_update_file}");
    foreach ($result as $update) {
      $status[$update->project][$update->language] = $update;
  return $status;