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function l10n_update_download_source in Localization update 7.2

Downloads a translation file from a remote server.


object $source_file: Source file object with at least:

  • "uri": uri to download the file from.
  • "project": Project name.
  • "langcode": Translation language.
  • "version": Project version.
  • "filename": File name.

string $directory: Directory where the downloaded file will be saved. Defaults to the temporary file path.

Return value

object|bool File object if download was successful. FALSE on failure.

1 call to l10n_update_download_source()
l10n_update_batch_fetch_download in ./
Batch operation: Download a remote translation file.


./, line 233
Batch process to check the availability of remote or local po files.


function l10n_update_download_source($source_file, $directory = 'temporary://') {
  if ($uri = system_retrieve_file($source_file->uri, $directory, FALSE, FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE)) {
    $file = clone $source_file;
    $file->type = L10N_UPDATE_LOCAL;
    $file->uri = $uri;
    $file->directory = $directory;
    $file->timestamp = filemtime($uri);
    return $file;
  watchdog('l10n_update', 'Unable to download translation file @uri.', array(
    '@uri' => $source_file->uri,
  return FALSE;