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Files in Localization client 6.2

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File namesort descending Location Namespace Description
l10n_client-rtl.css l10n_client-rtl.css #l10n-client { direction: ltr; } #l10n-client .string-list { direction: rtl; text-align: right; } #l10n-client-form .form-textarea { direction: rtl; } Administrative page callbacks for the Localization client module.
l10n_client.css l10n_client.css /* width percentages add to 99% rather than 100% to prevent float overflows from occurring in an unnamed browser that can't decide how it wants to round. */ /* l10n_client container */ #l10n-client { text-align: left; z-index: 9999; … name = Localization client description = Provides on-page localization dependencies[] = locale core = 6.x package = Multilanguage
l10n_client.install l10n_client.install Install, update and uninstall functions for the l10n_client module.
l10n_client.module l10n_client.module Localization client. Provides on-page translation editing.
README.txt README.txt CONTENTS -------- * About * Installation * On-page translation * Sharing translations * Re-importing translation packages * Contributors & sponsors ABOUT ----- The main goal of the Localization client module (l10n_client) is to provide…

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