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function keycloak_form_openid_connect_admin_settings_validate in Keycloak OpenID Connect 8

Custom validation handler to check submitted values of the settings form.


array $form: An associative array containing the structure of the plugin form.

\Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface $form_state: The current state of the form.

1 string reference to 'keycloak_form_openid_connect_admin_settings_validate'
keycloak_form_openid_connect_admin_settings_alter in ./keycloak.module
Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for openid_connect_admin_settings.


./keycloak.module, line 81
Hook implementations of the Keycloak module.


function keycloak_form_openid_connect_admin_settings_validate(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {

  // Whether Keycloak is enabled.
  if (empty($form_state
  ]))) {

    // Don't bother with validating, as Keycloak won't be used.

  // Get Keycloak setting values.
  $settings = $form_state

  // Whether a client ID is given.
  if (empty($settings['client_id'])) {
      ->setErrorByName('clients][keycloak][settings][client_id', 'The Keycloak client ID is missing.');

  // Whether a client secret is given.
  if (empty($settings['client_secret'])) {
      ->setErrorByName('clients][keycloak][settings][client_secret', 'The Keycloak client secret is missing.');

  // Whether a Keycloak base URL is given.
  if (empty($settings['keycloak_base'])) {
      ->setErrorByName('clients][keycloak][settings][keycloak_base', 'The Keycloak base URL is missing.');

  // Whether a Keycloak realm is given.
  if (empty($settings['keycloak_realm'])) {
      ->setErrorByName('clients][keycloak][settings][keycloak_realm', 'The Keycloak realm is missing.');