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function kaltura_replace_tags in Kaltura 6.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5 includes/ \kaltura_replace_tags()
  2. 6 includes/ \kaltura_replace_tags()
6 calls to kaltura_replace_tags()
kaltura_comments_comment in plugins/kaltura_comments/kaltura_comments.module
kaltura_get_default_display in plugins/field_kaltura/field_kaltura.module
kaltura_get_full_display in plugins/field_kaltura/field_kaltura.module
kaltura_nodeapi in ./kaltura.module
Implementation of hook_nodeapi().
node_kaltura_entry_form in plugins/node_kaltura_entry/node_kaltura_entry.module
Implementation of hook_form().

... See full list


includes/, line 18


function kaltura_replace_tags($content, $is_comment = FALSE, $replace_to_thumb = FALSE, $edit_mix_access = FALSE, $show_embed = FALSE, $content_type = null) {
  global $user, $multibyte;
  $kaltura_editor_width = variable_get('kaltura_editor_width', '') ? variable_get('kaltura_editor_width', '') : KalturaSettings_SE_WIDTH;
  $kaltura_editor_height = variable_get('kaltura_editor_height', '') ? variable_get('kaltura_editor_height', '') : KalturaSettings_SE_HEIGHT;
  $kaltura_editor_URL = variable_get('kaltura_editor_URL', '') ? variable_get('kaltura_editor_URL', '') : KalturaSettings_SE_URL;
  $added_playlist = false;
  $length = drupal_strlen($content);

  // add PHP_EOL before each kaltura widget to ensure correct grep_match results
  $content = str_replace('[kaltura-widget', PHP_EOL . '[kaltura-widget', $content);
  $found = FALSE;
  preg_match_all('/\\[kaltura-widget(.*)\\/\\]/', $content, $matches);
  $kaltura_tags = array();
  foreach ($matches[0] as $key => $match) {
    if (strpos($match, '/][kal', $split_point) === FALSE) {
      $kaltura_tags[] = $matches[0][$key];
    $tags = explode('][', $match);
    $splitted = FALSE;
    if (count($tags)) {
      foreach ($tags as $tag_num => $tag) {
        $splitted = TRUE;
        if ($tag[0] != '[') {
          $tags[$tag_num] = '[' . $tag;
        if ($tag[drupal_strlen($tag) - 1] != ']') {
          $tags[$tag_num] .= ']';
        $kaltura_tags[] = $tags[$tag_num];

  //get the node ID if available - needed to identify node access

  /*if ( arg(0) == 'node' && is_numeric(arg(1)) ) {
    $node_id = arg(1);
  foreach ($kaltura_tags as $kaltura_tag) {
    $found = TRUE;

    // parse the parameters from the tag
    $params = kaltura_get_params_from_tag($kaltura_tag);

    // get the embed options from the params
    $embed_options = kaltura_get_embed_options($params);
    $wid = $embed_options["wid"];
    $width = $embed_options["width"];
    $height = $embed_options["height"];
    $div_id = "kaltura_wrapper_" . $wid;
    $thumbnail_div_id = "kaltura_thumbnail_" . $wid;
    $player_id = "kaltura_player_" . $wid;
    $partner_config = KalturaHelpers::getServiceConfiguration();
    $kaltura_server = variable_get('kaltura_server_url', '') ? variable_get('kaltura_server_url', '') : KalturaSettings_SERVER_URL;
    $kaltura_poweredby = '<div style="width: ' . $width . 'px;" class="poweredByKaltura">' . '<!--<div><a target="_blank" href="">Video Module</a> by <a target="_blank" href="">Kaltura</a></div>-->' . '</div>';
    if (variable_get('kaltura_display_credits', 1)) {
      $links = '<a href="">open source video</a><a href="">video platform</a>';
    if ($replace_to_thumb === TRUE) {
      $html = '<img src="' . $kaltura_server . '/p/' . $partner_config->partnerId . '/sp/' . $partner_config->subPartnerId . '/thumbnail/entry_id/' . $embed_options["media_id"] . '" />';
      $content = str_replace($kaltura_tag, $html, $content);
    $embed_textarea_id = "kaltura_embed_" . $embed_options["media_id"];
    $div_id = "kaltura_wrapper_" . $embed_options["media_id"];
    $player_id = $embed_options['div_id'] ? $embed_options['div_id'] : "kaltura_player_" . $embed_options["media_id"];
    $align = $embed_options["align"] ? 'text-align:' . $embed_options["align"] . '; ' : '';
    if ($is_comment) {
      $thumb_div_id = 'kaltura_thumbnail_' . $embed_options["media_id"];
      $onclick_value = 'kaltura_activate_player(\'' . $thumb_div_id . '\',\'' . $div_id . '\');';
      $img_tag = '<img src="' . $kaltura_server . '/p/' . $partner_config->partnerId . '/sp/' . $partner_config->subPartnerId . '/thumbnail/entry_id/' . $embed_options["media_id"] . '/width/' . $width . '/height/' . $height . '/type/2/bgcolor/000000/crop_provider/wordpress_comment_placeholder" />';
      $comment_div = '<div id="' . $thumb_div_id . '" class="kaltura_hand" onclick="' . $onclick_value . '">';
      $comment_div .= $img_tag . '</div>';
    else {
      $comment_div = '';
    $html .= $comment_div . '
      <div id="' . $div_id . '" class="kaltura_wrapper" style="' . ($comment_div != '' ? 'display:none;' : '') . $align . $embed_options['custom_style'] . '"' . $embed_options['js_events'] . '>' . $links . '</div>' . $kaltura_poweredby;
    if ($show_embed) {
      if ($params['media_type'] == 'viewplaylist') {
        $title_class = "kaltura_embed_title";
      $html .= '<div class="kaltura_embed_code"><strong class="' . $title_class . '">Embed code of this video:</strong><br /><textarea style="overflow-y:auto" id="' . $embed_textarea_id . '" onclick="javascript:this.focus;;"></textarea></div>';

    //Render KDP
    $html .= '<script type="text/javascript">
              var kaltura_swf = new SWFObject("' . $embed_options["swfUrl"] . '", "' . $player_id . '", "' . $embed_options["width"] . '", "' . $embed_options["height"] . '", "9", "#000000");
              kaltura_swf.addParam("wmode", "opaque");
              kaltura_swf.addParam("flashVars", "' . $embed_options["flashVars"] . ($comment_div != '' ? '&autoPlay=true' : '') . '");
              kaltura_swf.addParam("allowScriptAccess", "always");
              kaltura_swf.addParam("allowFullScreen", "TRUE");
              kaltura_swf.addParam("allowNetworking", "all");
              kaltura_swf.write("' . $div_id . '");';
    if ($show_embed) {
      $html .= '
                          user_embed_textbox = document.getElementById("' . $embed_textarea_id . '");
                  user_embed_textbox.value = kaltura_swf.getSWFHTML();
    if ($params['media_type'] == 'viewplaylist' && $added_playlist == false) {
      $added_playlist = true;
      $html .= '
                          function customFunc1(parm) {prev_playlist_item()}
                          function customFunc2(parm) {next_playlist_item();}
    $html .= '</script>

    // rebuild the html with our new code tag
    $content = str_replace($kaltura_tag, $html, $content);
  if ($found && $replace_to_thumb === FALSE) {
    $plugin_url = KalturaHelpers::getKalturaServerUrl();
    $js = '
      <script type="text/javascript">';
    $js .= '
        function onPlayerAddClick (kshowId,entryId,pd_extraData) {
          if (kshowId && kshowId != -1)
            kalturaInitModalBox("' . url("kaltura/contribution_wizard/") . '" + kshowId);
          if (entryId && entryId != -1 && "true" == "' . ($embed_options['roughcut'] ? 'true' : '') . '")
            kalturaInitModalBox("' . url("kaltura/contribution_wizard/") . ($embed_options['roughcut'] ? 'entry-' : '') . '" + entryId );
    $js .= '
        function onPlayerEditClick (kshowId,entryId,pd_extraData) {
          if (kshowId && kshowId != -1 && "true" == "' . ($embed_options['kshow'] ? 'true' : '') . '")
            kalturaInitModalBox("' . url($kaltura_editor_URL) . '/" + kshowId + "/kshow/user_id@' . $user->uid . '", { width: ' . $kaltura_editor_width . ', height: ' . $kaltura_editor_height . ' } );
          if (entryId && entryId != -1 && "true" == "' . ($embed_options['roughcut'] ? 'true' : '') . '")
            kalturaInitModalBox("' . url($kaltura_editor_URL) . '/" + entryId + "/entry/user_id@' . $user->uid . '", { width: ' . $kaltura_editor_width . ', height: ' . $kaltura_editor_height . ' } );

    //NOTE CM: new KDP v2 Editor handler
    if ($edit_mix_access) {
      $js .= '
                        function gotoEditorWindow(entryID) {';

      //If the edit button is pressed on the Drupal node edit page, remind user that they still need to submit the node, especially if it's new, else they won't be able to access their content.
      if (arg(count(arg()) - 1) == 'edit') {
        $js .= 'alert("WARNING: Edits are not saved until you submit this form.  You should submit first before editing your mix.");';
      $js .= '
                                kalturaInitModalBox("' . url($kaltura_editor_URL) . '/" + entryID + "/entry/user_id@' . $user->uid . '", { width: ' . $kaltura_editor_width . ', height: ' . $kaltura_editor_height . ' });
    else {
      $js .= '
                        function gotoEditorWindow(entryID) {
                                if (entryID) {
                                        window.location = "' . url("kaltura/clone") . '/"+entryID+"/' . $content_type . '/confirm";
    $js .= '
        function handleGotoContribWizard (kshowId, pd_extraData) {
          kalturaInitModalBox("' . url("kaltura/contribution_wizard/") . '" + kshowId);

         $js .= '
         function handleGotoEditorWindow (kshowId, pd_extraData) {
           kalturaInitModalBox("'. url($kaltura_editor_URL) .'/" + kshowId, { width: 890, height: 546 } );
    $js .= '</script>';
    $content .= $js;
  return $content;