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Files in Juicer - Social Media Feed Aggregator 7

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File namesort descending Location Namespace Description Administration page for JuicerIO module. name = Juicer - Social Media Feed Aggregator description = Integration with the Juicer ( social feed platform. core = 7.x configure = admin/config/services/juicerio dependencies[] = block
juicerio.install juicerio.install Install, Ununstall, and update functions for JuicerIO module.
juicerio.module juicerio.module Module file for the Juicer Integration module.
README.txt README.txt JuicerIO ======== The JuicerIO module integrates the Juicer social media feed service with Drupal. Juicer is a service that integrates all of your brand's social media posts in one beautiful stream, perfect for embedding on your website. Free…

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