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public function JuiceboxConfGlobalCase::setUp in Juicebox HTML5 Responsive Image Galleries 7.2

Define setup tasks.

Overrides DrupalWebTestCase::setUp


tests/JuiceboxConfGlobalCase.test, line 27
Test case for Juicebox global configuration options.


Class to define test case for Juicebox global configuration options.


public function setUp() {

  // Create and login user.
  $this->webUser = $this
    'access content',
    'access administration pages',
    'administer site configuration',
    'administer content types',
    'administer nodes',
    'create article content',
    'edit any article content',
    'delete any article content',
    'administer image styles',
    'administer fields',

  // Prep an article with an image field and activate the Juicebox display
  // formatter for it.

  // Add a english translated string for the Juicebox languagelist.
  variable_set('locale_custom_strings_en', array(
    '' => array(
      'Show Thumbnails|Hide Thumbnails|Expand Gallery|Close Gallery|Open Image in New Window' => 'Translated|Lang|List',