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JuiceboxConfGlobalCase.test in Juicebox HTML5 Responsive Image Galleries 7.2

Test case for Juicebox global configuration options.


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 * @file
 * Test case for Juicebox global configuration options.

 * Class to define test case for Juicebox global configuration options.
class JuiceboxConfGlobalCase extends JuiceboxBaseCase {

   * Define test case info.
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Juicebox global configuration tests',
      'description' => 'Tests global configuration logic for Juicebox galleries.',
      'group' => 'Juicebox',

   * Define setup tasks.
  public function setUp() {

    // Create and login user.
    $this->webUser = $this
      'access content',
      'access administration pages',
      'administer site configuration',
      'administer content types',
      'administer nodes',
      'create article content',
      'edit any article content',
      'delete any article content',
      'administer image styles',
      'administer fields',

    // Prep an article with an image field and activate the Juicebox display
    // formatter for it.

    // Add a english translated string for the Juicebox languagelist.
    variable_set('locale_custom_strings_en', array(
      '' => array(
        'Show Thumbnails|Hide Thumbnails|Expand Gallery|Close Gallery|Open Image in New Window' => 'Translated|Lang|List',

   * Test general global options.
   * This methods tests multiple global options at once, but these could later
   * be broken out into different test methods if needed.
  public function testGlobalConfig() {
    $instance = $this->instance;
    $node = $this->node;

    // Enable some optional global settings. We could set each of these easily
    // with a variable_set(), but it's probably best to test the whole UI.
    $edit = array(
      'juicebox_enable_cors' => TRUE,
      'juicebox_translate_interface' => TRUE,
      'juicebox_translate_base_languagelist' => 'Show Thumbnails|Hide Thumbnails|Expand Gallery|Close Gallery|Open Image in New Window',
      ->drupalPost('admin/config/media/juicebox', $edit, t('Save configuration'));
      ->assertText(t('The configuration options have been saved'), 'Custom global options saved.');

    // Get resulting XML.
      ->drupalGet('juicebox/xml/field/node/' . $node->nid . '/' . $instance['field_name'] . '/full');

    // Check that the languagelist configuration option was both included and
    // translated in the XML.
      ->assertRaw('languagelist="Translated|Lang|List"', 'Translated languagelist value found in XML.');

    // Check the the XML now returns an 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header
    // for CORS support.
      ->drupalGetHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin'), '*', 'Expected CORS header found.');

   * Test multi-size integration.
  public function testGlobalMultisize() {
    $instance = $this->instance;
    $node = $this->node;

    // Customize one of our global multi-size settings from the default for a
    // true end-to-end test.
    $edit = array(
      'juicebox_multisize_large' => 'large',
      ->drupalPost('admin/config/media/juicebox', $edit, t('Save configuration'));
      ->assertText(t('The configuration options have been saved'), 'Custom global options saved.');

    // Alter field formatter specific settings to use multi-size style.
      ->drupalPostAJAX('admin/structure/types/manage/' . $instance['bundle'] . '/display', array(), $instance['field_name'] . '_formatter_settings_edit', NULL, array(), array(), 'field-ui-display-overview-form');
    $edit = array(
      'fields[' . $instance['field_name'] . '][settings_edit_form][settings][image_style]' => 'juicebox_multisize',
      ->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));
      ->assertText(t('Your settings have been saved.'), 'Gallery configuration changes saved.');

    // Calculate the multi-size styles that should be found in the XML.
    $items = field_get_items('node', $node, $instance['field_name']);
    $item = reset($items);
    $formatted_image_small = image_style_url('juicebox_small', $item['uri']);
    $formatted_image_medium = image_style_url('juicebox_medium', $item['uri']);
    $formatted_image_large = image_style_url('large', $item['uri']);

    // Get resulting XML.
      ->drupalGet('juicebox/xml/field/node/' . $node->nid . '/' . $instance['field_name'] . '/full');

    // Check that the expected images are found in the XML.
      ->assertRaw('smallImageURL="' . check_plain($formatted_image_small), 'Test small image found in XML.');
      ->assertRaw('imageURL="' . check_plain($formatted_image_medium), 'Test medium image found in XML.');
      ->assertRaw('largeImageURL="' . check_plain($formatted_image_large), 'Test large image found in XML.');



Namesort descending Description
JuiceboxConfGlobalCase Class to define test case for Juicebox global configuration options.