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interface JuiceboxGalleryDrupalInterface in Juicebox HTML5 Responsive Image Galleries 7.2

Interface definition for a Juicebox gallery that includes Drupal functionality.


Expanded class hierarchy of JuiceboxGalleryDrupalInterface

All classes that implement JuiceboxGalleryDrupalInterface

1 string reference to 'JuiceboxGalleryDrupalInterface'
juicebox in ./juicebox.module
Factory to instantiate a Juicebox object along with its dependencies.


includes/, line 15
Interface definition for a Juicebox gallery that includes Drupal functionality.

View source
interface JuiceboxGalleryDrupalInterface extends JuiceboxGalleryInterface {

   * Initialize in preparation to represent a specific gallery.
   * @param array $id_args
   *   An indexed array of simple string arguments that describe this gallery.
   *   This is typically based on the arguments that will be used to create a
   *   URL for the gallery XML, but no formal structure is strictly required.
   *   This information should uniquely identify the gallery.
   * @param array $settings
   *   An associative array of settings data for this gallery. This will
   *   typically contain both generic gallery settings (that pertain to this
   *   object) as well as formatter settings (that are only used externally by
   *   a formatter plugin).
   * @param mixed $data
   *   Drupal source data that was used to build the gallery. This is included
   *   purely for reference.
  public function init($id_args, $settings = array(), $data = NULL);

   * Check if the object has been initialized for use as a specific gallery.
   * @return boolean
   *   Returns boolean TRUE if the object has been initialized, FALSE otherwise.
  public function isInitialized();

   * Getter method for the id args that describe this gallery.
   * @return array
   *   Returns an indexed array of id args.
  public function getIdArgs();

   * Getter method for common gallery settings.
   * @return array
   *   Returns an associative array of common gallery settings.
  public function getSettings();

   * Common post-build tasks that should take place whenever a gallery of any
   * type/source is built.
  public function runCommonBuild();

   * Utility to extract image source data in an array structure that can be
   * used when adding a new image to the gallery.
   * @param array $image_item
   *   An associative array of file field item data for the main image.
   * @param string $image_style
   *   The Drupal image style to apply to the main image.
   * @param array $thumb_item
   *   An associative array of file field item data for the thumbnail
   *   image.
   * @param string $thumb_style
   *   The Drupal image style to apply to the thumbnail image.
   * @return array
   *   An associative array of image source URLs that's ready to be added
   *   to a Juicebox gallery, including:
   *   - image_url: URL to the full image to display.
   *   - image_url_small: URL to the full image to display in small screen mode.
   *     Only included if $image_style = juicebox_multisize.
   *   - image_url_large: URL to the full image to display in large screen mode.
   *     Only included if $image_style = juicebox_multisize.
   *   - thumb_url: URL to the thumbnail to display for the image.
   *   - link_url: The Juicebox "link URL" value for the image.
   *   - link_target: The browser target value to use when following a link URL.
   *   - juicebox_compatible: Boolean indicating if the raw source file for the
   *     main image is directly compatible with the Juicebox library.
  public function styleImageSrcData($image_item, $image_style, $thumb_item, $thumb_style);

   * Build a render array of the embed code for a Juicebox gallery after images
   * and options have been added.
   * Note that this is different from JuiceboxGalleryInterface:renderEmbed() in
   * that it handles ALL considerations for embedding. This includes the
   * addition of the appropriate js and css which would otherwise need to be
   * done independent of renderEmbed(). It also uses the Drupal theme system as
   * opposed to just returning direct markup. Within Drupal this method should
   * always be used instead of renderEmbed().
   * @param string $xml_path
   *   The path to the Juicebox XML for this gallery.
   * @param boolean $add_js
   *   Whether-or-not to add the Juicebox library and gallery-specific
   *   javascript.
   * @param array $context
   *   Optional contextual information that may be used in the display:
   *   - conf_path: A Drupal path within the admin interface where the gallery
   *     can be configured. This may be used within administrative contextual
   *     links for the gallery if provided.
   * @param boolean $add_xml
   *   It may be difficult or impossible to rebuild some types of formatters
   *   during a separate XML request, so this option offers a way around that by
   *   embedding the XML for the gallery directly into the HTML output. This
   *   XML can then be fetched from a request to this same page later via a
   *   sub-request. If TRUE xml-source-path and xml-source-id query strings are
   *   also added to the XML URL to help the XML building logic locate this XML
   *   data later. Setting this option may work around certain limitations but
   *   will likely lead to slower XML generation.
   * @return array
   *   Drupal render array for the embed code that describes a gallery.
  public function buildEmbed($xml_path = '', $add_js = TRUE, $context = array(), $add_xml = FALSE);

   * Get the "base" values of common Drupal settings used to describe a gallery.
   * This is used for the management of default configuration values.
   * @return array
   *   An associative array of base/default configuration values.
  public function confBaseOptions();

   * Get common elements for Juicebox configuration forms.
   * Several Juicebox gallery types can share common options and structures.
   * These can be merged into the appropriate forms via a call to this method.
   * @param array $form
   *   The Drupal form array that common elements should be added to.
   * @param array $settings
   *   An associative array containing all the current settings for a Juicebox
   *   gallery (used to set default values).
   * @return array
   *   The common form elements merged within a form array.
  public function confBaseForm($form, $settings);

   * Get the image style preset options that should be available in
   * configuration style picklists.
   * This is in may ways just a wrapper for image_style_options() that allows
   * the addition of specical options that only Juicebox understands (e.g.
   * "multi-size").
   * @param boolean $allow_multisize
   *   Whether-or-not to allow the addition of a PRO "multi-size" option. This
   *   is only included if this option is TRUE and the currently detected
   *   library is compatible with multi-size features.
   * @return array
   *   An associative array of style presets.
  public function confBaseStylePresets($allow_multisize = TRUE);



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
JuiceboxGalleryDrupalInterface::buildEmbed public function Build a render array of the embed code for a Juicebox gallery after images and options have been added. 1
JuiceboxGalleryDrupalInterface::confBaseForm public function Get common elements for Juicebox configuration forms. 1
JuiceboxGalleryDrupalInterface::confBaseOptions public function Get the "base" values of common Drupal settings used to describe a gallery. This is used for the management of default configuration values. 1
JuiceboxGalleryDrupalInterface::confBaseStylePresets public function Get the image style preset options that should be available in configuration style picklists. 1
JuiceboxGalleryDrupalInterface::getIdArgs public function Getter method for the id args that describe this gallery. 1
JuiceboxGalleryDrupalInterface::getSettings public function Getter method for common gallery settings. 1
JuiceboxGalleryDrupalInterface::init public function Initialize in preparation to represent a specific gallery. 1
JuiceboxGalleryDrupalInterface::isInitialized public function Check if the object has been initialized for use as a specific gallery. 1
JuiceboxGalleryDrupalInterface::runCommonBuild public function Common post-build tasks that should take place whenever a gallery of any type/source is built. 1
JuiceboxGalleryDrupalInterface::styleImageSrcData public function Utility to extract image source data in an array structure that can be used when adding a new image to the gallery. 1
JuiceboxGalleryInterface::addImage public function Add a new image to the gallery. 2
JuiceboxGalleryInterface::addOption public function Add a new Juicebox configuration option to the gallery. 2
JuiceboxGalleryInterface::getChecksum public function Get a gallery checksum. 2
JuiceboxGalleryInterface::getId public function Getter method for the gallery ID. 2
JuiceboxGalleryInterface::getImages public function Getter method for the gallery images. 2
JuiceboxGalleryInterface::getJavascriptVars public function Get the variables needed to instantiate a new JS Juicebox. These values can be used as direct constructor inputs for a new juicebox object. 2
JuiceboxGalleryInterface::getOptions public function Getter method for the gallery options. 2
JuiceboxGalleryInterface::removeImage public function Remove an image from the gallery. 2
JuiceboxGalleryInterface::removeOption public function Remove an option from the gallery. 2
JuiceboxGalleryInterface::renderEmbed public function Get the embed code for a Juicebox gallery once images and options have been added. 2
JuiceboxGalleryInterface::renderJavascript public function Get the javascript code for a Juicebox gallery once images and options have been added. 2
JuiceboxGalleryInterface::renderXml public function Render the XML for a Juicebox gallery once images and options have been added. 2
JuiceboxGalleryInterface::setId public function Setter method for the gallery ID (in case it was not passed in constructor). 2
JuiceboxGalleryInterface::updateImage public function Update an existing image in the gallery. This duplicates the functionality of addImage() with an $override_id but is included as a separate method for convienence. 2