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function dynamicload_help in Javascript Tools 5

Implementation of hook_help().


dynamicload/dynamicload.module, line 17
Enable AJAX-based loading of selected page elements.


function dynamicload_help($section) {
  $return = array();

  // Add marker to every page.
  if ($section == $_GET['q']) {
    $return[] = '<div id="dynamicload-content-marker"></div>';
  if ($section == 'admin/settings/dynamicload') {
    $return[] = t('<p>Full dynamic loading is <em>experimental</em> and may break sites at this point. The options on this page are not recommended for use on production sites. Work is ongoing to identify and fix remaining issues.</p>
    <p>Configure dynamic loading of individual blocks on the <a href="@config">block configuration</a> pages.</p>', array(
      '@config' => url('admin/build/block'),
  if (!empty($return)) {
    return implode('', $return);