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function ajaxsubmit_progress in Javascript Tools 5

Return progress percentage and message.

The _submit function must set two session variables:

  • $_SESSION['{form_id}_total'], the total number of actions to be taken during this submit, and
  • $_SESSION['{form_id}_remaining'], the number of actions remaining.

In each of these, the 'form_id' value should be the id of the form in question.

1 string reference to 'ajaxsubmit_progress'
ajaxsubmit_menu in ajaxsubmit/ajaxsubmit.module
Implementation of hook_menu().


ajaxsubmit/ajaxsubmit.module, line 171
Make designated forms submit via AJAX.


function ajaxsubmit_progress() {
  $form_id = $_REQUEST['form_id'];
  $percentage = floor(($_SESSION[$form_id . '_total'] - $_SESSION[$form_id . '_remaining']) / $_SESSION[$form_id . '_total'] * 100);
  $message = $percentage == 100 ? t('Submit complete') : t('Submit in progress');
  print drupal_to_js(array(
    'status' => TRUE,
    'percentage' => $percentage,
    'message' => $message,