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function jsonlog_default_file in JSONlog 7

Establish default logging file path.

Directory default: PHP:ini error_log - unless that is 'syslog' (then checks the usual suspects /var/log/...) - plus /drupal-jsonlog.

Filename default: jsonlog site ID .log.json.

Return value

string Empty upon failure.

4 calls to jsonlog_default_file()
jsonlog_form_system_logging_settings_alter in ./jsonlog.module
Adds this module's setting fields to the system logging settings form.
jsonlog_form_system_logging_settings_submit in ./jsonlog.module
Custom submit handler for the system logging settings form.
jsonlog_test_filing in ./
Checks if log dir+file exists and is writable, and logs to watchdog.
jsonlog_watchdog in ./jsonlog.module
Logs any watchdog call - at or above a certain severity threshold - as JSON to a custom log file.


./, line 43
JSONlog module helper functions.


function jsonlog_default_file() {
  if ($file = getenv('drupal_jsonlog_file')) {
    return $file;

  // Default web server log dir for common *nix distributions.
  $default_log_dirs = array(
    'debian' => '/var/log/apache2',
    'redhat' => '/var/log/httpd',
  $dir = '';
  if (!($server_log = ini_get('error_log')) || $server_log === 'syslog') {

    // Try default web server log dirs for common *nix distributions.
    foreach ($default_log_dirs as $val) {
      if (file_exists($val)) {
        $dir = $val;
  else {
    $dir = str_replace('\\', '/', dirname($server_log));
  if ($dir) {
    if (!($site_id = variable_get('jsonlog_siteid'))) {
      $site_id = jsonlog_default_site_id();
    return $dir . '/drupal-jsonlog/' . $site_id . '.log.json';
  return '';