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function js_injector_init in JS injector 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 js_injector.module \js_injector_init()
  2. 7.2 js_injector.module \js_injector_init()
  3. 7 js_injector.module \js_injector_init()

Implementation of hook_init(). Checks to see whether any js files should be added to the current page, based on rules configured by the site administrator.


./js_injector.module, line 32
Allows administrators to inject js into the page output based on configurable rules. Useful for adding simple js tweaks without modifying a site's official theme.


function js_injector_init() {
  $js_rules = _js_injector_load_rule();
  foreach ($js_rules as $js_rule) {
    if (_js_injector_evaluate_rule($js_rule)) {
      drupal_add_js(file_create_path($js_rule['file_path']), 'module', $js_rule['scope'], FALSE, $js_rule['cache'], $js_rule['preprocess']);