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Functions in JS injector 7.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
js_injector_ctools_export_ui_form plugins/export_ui/ Define the preset add/edit form. 1
js_injector_ctools_export_ui_form_submit plugins/export_ui/ Submit handler for the preset edit form. 1
js_injector_ctools_export_ui_form_validate plugins/export_ui/ Validation handler for the preset edit form. 1
js_injector_ctools_plugin_directory ./js_injector.module Implementation of hook_ctools_plugin_directory().
js_injector_help ./js_injector.module Implements hook_help().
js_injector_init ./js_injector.module Implements hook_init().
js_injector_install ./js_injector.install
js_injector_page_build ./js_injector.module Implements hook_page_build().
js_injector_permission ./js_injector.module Implements hook_permission().
js_injector_prepare_directory ./js_injector.install Make sure that the js_injector files directory has been created. 2
js_injector_requirements ./js_injector.install Implements hook_requirements().
js_injector_rule_delete ./js_injector.module Delete a single JS injector rule. Override is required to clean up the filesystem 1
js_injector_rule_load ./js_injector.module Implements 'load callback' for js_injector_rule exportables.
js_injector_rule_load_multiple ./js_injector.module Implements 'load multiple callback' for js_injector_rule exportables.
js_injector_rule_save ./js_injector.module Save a single JS injector rule. This custom save callback is required in order to write (or update) the JavaScript file on the filesystem 1
js_injector_schema ./js_injector.install Implements hook_schema().
js_injector_uninstall ./js_injector.install Implements hook_uninstall().
js_injector_update_7001 ./js_injector.install Change the description field to be called 'admin_description' so that it is displayed on the export UI list form.
js_injector_update_7002 ./js_injector.install Add fields for support of noscript tags.
_js_injector_rule_path ./js_injector.module Helper function to get file path for a rule. This will get the path relative to DRUPAL_ROOT, as in 'sites/default/files/js_injector/js_injector_99.js'. 1
_js_injector_rule_uri ./js_injector.module Return the URI for a crid. 3
_js_injector_visibility_pages ./js_injector.module Based on visibility setting this function returns TRUE if the JS injector rule code should be added to the current page and otherwise FALSE. 1
_js_inject_active_rules ./js_injector.module Store and retrieve active rules matched in js_injector_init 2

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