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function js_execute_callback in JS Callback Handler 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5.2 js.php \js_execute_callback()
  2. 6 js.php \js_execute_callback()

Loads the requested module and executes the requested callback.


string $delivery_callback: The delivery callback function to use. Defaults to drupal_json_output().

Return value

mixed The callback function's return value or one of the JS_* constants.

1 call to js_execute_callback()
js.php in ./js.php
Callback page that serves custom JavaScript requests on a Drupal installation.


./js.php, line 69
Callback page that serves custom JavaScript requests on a Drupal installation.


function js_execute_callback(&$delivery_callback = 'drupal_json_output') {
  $args = explode('/', $_GET['q']);

  // If i18n is enabled and therefore the js module should boot
  $i18n = FALSE;

  // Validate if there is a language prefix in the path.
  if (!empty($args[0]) && !empty($args[1]) && $args[1] == 'js') {

    // Language string detected, strip off the language code.
    $language_code = array_shift($args);

    // Enable language detection to make sure i18n is enabled.
    $i18n = TRUE;

  // Strip first argument 'js'.
  if (!empty($args[0]) && $args[0] == 'js') {

  // Determine module to load.
  $module = check_plain(array_shift($args));
  if (!$module || !drupal_load('module', $module)) {

  // Get info hook function name.
  $function = $module . '_js';
  if (!function_exists($function)) {
    return JS_MENU_NOT_FOUND;

  // Get valid callbacks.
  $valid_callbacks = $function();

  // Get the callback.
  $callback = check_plain(array_shift($args));

  // Validate the callback.
  if (!isset($valid_callbacks[$callback])) {
    return JS_MENU_NOT_FOUND;

  // If the callback function is located in another file, load that file now.
  if (isset($valid_callbacks[$callback]['file']) && ($filepath = drupal_get_path('module', $module) . '/' . $valid_callbacks[$callback]['file']) && file_exists($filepath)) {
    require_once $filepath;

  // Bootstrap to required level.
  $full_boostrap = FALSE;
  if (!empty($valid_callbacks[$callback]['bootstrap'])) {
    $full_boostrap = $valid_callbacks[$callback]['bootstrap'] == DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_FULL;

  // Validate if the callback uses i18n.
  if (isset($valid_callbacks[$callback]['i18n'])) {
    $i18n = $valid_callbacks[$callback]['i18n'];
  if (!$full_boostrap) {

    // The following mimics the behavior of _drupal_bootstrap_full().
    // The difference is that not all modules and includes are loaded.
    // @see _drupal_bootstrap_full().
    // If i18n is enabled, boot to the language phase and make
    // sure the required modules are enabled.
    if ($i18n) {

      // First boot to the variables to make sure drupal_multilingual() works.

      // As the variables bootstrap phase loads all core modules, we have to
      // add the user module and the path include as a dependencies because they
      // are required by some core modules.
      if (empty($valid_callbacks[$callback]['dependencies'])) {
        $valid_callbacks[$callback]['dependencies'] = array();
      if (empty($valid_callbacks[$callback]['includes'])) {
        $valid_callbacks[$callback]['includes'] = array();
      if (!in_array('user', $valid_callbacks[$callback]['dependencies'])) {
        $valid_callbacks[$callback]['dependencies'][] = 'user';
      if (!in_array('path', $valid_callbacks[$callback]['includes'])) {
        $valid_callbacks[$callback]['includes'][] = 'path';

      // Then check if it's a multilingual site. If so, boot to the language
      // phase.
      if (drupal_multilingual()) {

    // Load required include files based on the callback.
    if (isset($valid_callbacks[$callback]['includes']) && is_array($valid_callbacks[$callback]['includes'])) {
      foreach ($valid_callbacks[$callback]['includes'] as $include) {
        if (file_exists("./includes/{$include}.inc")) {
          require_once "./includes/{$include}.inc";

    // Detect string handling method.

    // Undo magic quotes.

    // Load required modules.
    $modules = array(
      $module => 0,
    if (isset($valid_callbacks[$callback]['dependencies']) && is_array($valid_callbacks[$callback]['dependencies'])) {
      foreach ($valid_callbacks[$callback]['dependencies'] as $dependency) {
        if (!drupal_load('module', $dependency)) {

          // Do a boot up till SESSION to be sure the drupal_set_message()
          // function works.

          // Create an error message with information for the user to be able
          // to fix the dependency.
          $error = t('The dependency :dependency for the callback :callback in :module is not installed.', array(
            ':dependency' => $dependency,
            ':callback' => $callback,
            ':module' => $module,

          // Let the user know what's wrong and throw an exception to stop the
          // callback.
          drupal_set_message($error, 'error');
          throw new Exception($error);
        $modules[$dependency] = 0;

    // Reset module list.
    module_list(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, $modules);

    // Make sure all stream wrappers are registered.

    // Ensure the language variable is set, if not it might cause problems (e.g.
    // entity info).
    global $language;
    if (!isset($language)) {
      $language = language_default();
      $types = language_types();
      foreach ($types as $type) {
        $GLOBALS[$type] = $language;

    // If access arguments are passed, boot to SESSION and validate if the user
    // has access to this callback.
    if (!empty($valid_callbacks[$callback]['access arguments']) || !empty($valid_callbacks[$callback]['access callback'])) {

      // If no callback is provided, default to user_access.
      if (!isset($valid_callbacks[$callback]['access callback'])) {
        $valid_callbacks[$callback]['access callback'] = 'user_access';
      if ($valid_callbacks[$callback]['access callback'] == 'user_access') {

        // Ensure the user module is available.
        drupal_load('module', 'user');
      if (!call_user_func_array($valid_callbacks[$callback]['access callback'], js_replace_callback_args(!empty($valid_callbacks[$callback]['access arguments']) ? $valid_callbacks[$callback]['access arguments'] : array()))) {
        return JS_MENU_ACCESS_DENIED;

    // Invoke implementations of hook_init() if the callback doesn't indicate it
    // should be skipped.
    if (!isset($valid_callbacks[$callback]['skip_hook_init']) || $valid_callbacks[$callback]['skip_hook_init'] == FALSE) {

  // Validate the existance of the defined callback.
  if (!function_exists($valid_callbacks[$callback]['callback'])) {
    return JS_MENU_NOT_FOUND;

  // If there are page arguments defined add them to the callback call.
  if (isset($valid_callbacks[$callback]['page arguments'])) {

    // Replace the numerical arguments with the current argument values.
    $args = js_replace_callback_args($valid_callbacks[$callback]['page arguments']);
  if (isset($valid_callbacks[$callback]['delivery callback'])) {
    $delivery_callback = $valid_callbacks[$callback]['delivery callback'];

  // Invoke callback function.
  return call_user_func_array($valid_callbacks[$callback]['callback'], $args);