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function hook_js in JS Callback Handler 7

Register JS callbacks. Read the documentation for a detailed explanation.

Return value

array An array of callbacks with the following possible keys for each callback:

  • callback: (required) The function to call to display the results when an ajax call occurs on this path.
  • page arguments: (optional) Select which arguments from the URL to pass to the callback. Starting with 0 with the js/[module] stripped from the path. Please note that 0 will contain the used callback.
  • includes: (optional) Load aditional files from the /includes directory, without the extension.
  • dependencies: (optional) Load additional modules for this callback.
  • bootstrap: (optional) The bootstrap level Drupal should boot to, defaults to DATABASE or SESSION if an access argument/callback is defined.
  • file: (optional) In which file the callback function is defined.
  • access arguments: (optional) Arguments for the access callback.
  • access callback: (optional) Callback for the access check, default to user_access if there is an acces argument defined.
  • delivery callback: (optional) The function to call to package the result of the callback function and send it to the browser. Defaults to drupal_json_output(). Note that this function is called even if the access checks fail, so any custom delivery callback function should take that into account. See drupal_deliver_html_page() for an example.
  • skip_hook_init: (optional) Set to true to skip the init hooks. Warning: This might cause unwanted behavior and should only be disabled with care.
  • i18n: (optional) Boolean to enable or forcefully disable i18n. JS auto- detects the language string in the path but not in any other form. Set this option to TRUE to enable translations.
1 function implements hook_js()

Note: this list is generated by pattern matching, so it may include some functions that are not actually implementations of this hook.

js_test_js in tests/js_test.module
Implements hook_js().


./js.api.php, line 44
This file contains no working PHP code; it exists to provide additional documentation for doxygen as well as to document hooks in the standard Drupal manner.


function hook_js() {
  return array(
    'somefunction' => array(
      'callback' => 'example_somefunction',
      'page arguments' => array(),
      'includes' => array(
      'dependencies' => array(
      'file' => 'includes/',
      'bootstrap' => DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_CONSTANT,
      'access arguments' => array(
        'e.g. permission',
      'access callback' => 'callback function',
      'delivery callback' => 'callback function',
      'skip_hook_init' => FALSE,
      'i18n' => FALSE,