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Files in jQuery Update 6.2

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File namesort descending Location Namespace Description
CHANGELOG.txt CHANGELOG.txt jQuery Update 6.x-2.x, xxxx-xx-xx --------------------------------- #443718 by markus_petrux: Fixed PHP notices in jquery_update_update_6200(). #775162 by Bevan: Fixed tabledrag.js errors with nested tables. jQuery Update 6.x-2.0-alpha1,…
jquery_update.api.php jquery_update.api.php name = jQuery Update description = Update jQuery and jQuery UI to a more recent version. package = User interface core = 6.x
jquery_update.install jquery_update.install Install file for jQuery Update.
jquery_update.module jquery_update.module Updates Drupal to use the latest version of jQuery.
README.txt README.txt CONTENTS OF THIS FILE --------------------- * Introduction * Installation INTRODUCTION ------------ Authors: * Matt Farina (mfer) * Jeff Robbins (jjeff) * Angela Byron (webchick) * Addison Berry (add1sun) jQuery Update module upgrades…

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