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function jquery_social_stream_lastfm_form in jQuery social stream 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 jquery_social_stream.module \jquery_social_stream_lastfm_form()
  2. 8 jquery_social_stream.module \jquery_social_stream_lastfm_form()
  3. 7 jquery_social_stream.module \jquery_social_stream_lastfm_form() settings form.


./jquery_social_stream.module, line 779
Code for the Campaign social media module.


function jquery_social_stream_lastfm_form($conf) {
  $form = array();
  _jquery_social_stream_settings_text($form, $conf, 'id', ' usernames', 'You can enter multiple usernames separated by comma.', '', 512);
  _jquery_social_stream_settings_text($form, $conf, 'intro', 'Feed item intro text', 'Listened to,Loved,Replied');
  _jquery_social_stream_settings_text($form, $conf, 'out', 'Output', 'Stream item output: content blocks & order. Available options: intro, thumb, title, text, user, share', 'intro,thumb,title,text,user,share');
  _jquery_social_stream_settings_text($form, $conf, 'feed', 'Feed type', '<p>Options include</p><dl>
  <dt>lovedtracks</dt><dd>A feed of tracks a user has loved</dd>
  <dt>recenttracks</dt><dd>10 recently played tracks for this profile</dd>
  <dt>replytracker</dt><dd>A feed of replies to a user\'s forum posts and journal comments</dd>', 'recenttracks,lovedtracks,replytracker');
  return $form;