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function jquery_countdown_get_js in jQuery Countdown 6

Return the JS filename of the jQuery.Countdown plugin library.

Return value

Boolean indicating if the JS is located.

1 call to jquery_countdown_get_js()
jquery_countdown_add in ./jquery_countdown.module
Adds a jQuery Countdown JavaScript element to the page.


./jquery_countdown.module, line 138
provides the jquery_countdown theme function and serversync callback


function jquery_countdown_get_js() {
  $library_path = jquery_countdown_get_path();
  if (file_exists($library_path . '/jquery.countdown.js') && file_exists($library_path . '/jquery.countdown.min.js')) {

    // use minified version if Javascript preprocessing is enabled...
    if (variable_get('preprocess_js', 0)) {
      $jquery_countdown_script = 'jquery.countdown.min.js';
    else {
      $jquery_countdown_script = 'jquery.countdown.js';
    return $library_path . '/' . $jquery_countdown_script;
  else {
    drupal_set_message(t('You need to download the !jquerycountdownjs and extract the entire contents of the archive into the %path folder of your server.', array(
      '!jquerycountdownjs' => l(t('jQuery.Countdown plugin'), ''),
      '%path' => $library_path,
    )), 'error', FALSE);
    return FALSE;