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class JobSchedulerCronTab in Job Scheduler 7.2

Jose's cron tab parser = Better try only simple crontab strings.

Usage: // Run 23 minutes after midn, 2am, 4am ..., everyday $crontab = new JobSchedulerCronTab('23 0-23/2 * * *'); // When this needs to run next, from current time? $next_time = $crontab->nextTime(time());

I hate Sundays.


Expanded class hierarchy of JobSchedulerCronTab


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JobSchedulerCronTab class.

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class JobSchedulerCronTab {

   * Original crontab elements.
   * @var string
  public $crontab;

   * Parsed numeric values indexed by type.
   * @var string
  public $cron;

   * Constructor.
   * About crontab strings, see all about possible formats
   * @param string $crontab
   *   Crontab text line: minute hour day-of-month month day-of-week.
  public function __construct($crontab) {
    $this->crontab = $crontab;
    $this->cron = is_array($crontab) ? $this
      ->values($crontab) : $this

   * Parse full crontab string into an array of type => values.
   * Note this one is static and can be used to validate values.
  public static function parse($crontab) {

    // Crontab elements, names match PHP date indexes (getdate)
    // Example:
    // $keys = array('minutes', 'hours', 'mday', 'mon', 'wday');
    // Replace multiple spaces by single space.
    $crontab = preg_replace('/(\\s+)/', ' ', $crontab);

    // Expand into elements and parse all.
    $values = explode(' ', trim($crontab));
    return self::values($values);

   * Parse array of values, check whether this is valid.
  public static function values($array) {
    if (count($array) == 5) {
      $values = array_combine(array(
      ), array_map('trim', $array));
      $elements = array();
      foreach ($values as $type => $string) {
        $elements[$type] = self::parseElement($type, $string, TRUE);

      // Return only if we have the right number of elements
      // Dangerous means works running every second or things like that.
      if (count(array_filter($elements)) == 5) {
        return $elements;
    return NULL;

   * Find the next occurrence within the next year as unix timestamp.
   * @param timestamp $start_time
   *   Starting time.
   * @param int $limit
   *   Default is 366.
   * @codingStandardsIgnoreStart
  public function nextTime($start_time = NULL, $limit = 366) {

    // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd
    $start_time = isset($start_time) ? $start_time : time();

    // Get minutes, hours, mday, wday, mon, year.
    $start_date = getdate($start_time);
    if ($date = $this
      ->nextDate($start_date, $limit)) {
      return mktime($date['hours'], $date['minutes'], 0, $date['mon'], $date['mday'], $date['year']);
    else {
      return 0;

   * Find the next occurrence within the next year as a date array,.
   * @param array $date
   *   Date array with: 'mday', 'mon', 'year', 'hours', 'minutes'.
   * @param int $limit
   *   Default is 366.
   * @see getdate()
   * @codingStandardsIgnoreStart
  public function nextDate($date, $limit = 366) {

    // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd
    $date['seconds'] = 0;

    // It is possible that the current date doesn't match.
    if ($this
      ->checkDay($date) && ($nextdate = $this
      ->nextHour($date))) {
      return $nextdate;
    elseif ($nextdate = $this
      ->nextDay($date, $limit)) {
      return $nextdate;
    else {
      return FALSE;

   * Check whether date's day is a valid one.
  protected function checkDay($date) {
    foreach (array(
    ) as $key) {
      if (!in_array($date[$key], $this->cron[$key])) {
        return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

   * Find the next day from date that matches with cron parameters.
   * Maybe it's possible that it's within the next years, maybe no day of a year
   * matches all conditions.
   * However, to prevent infinite loops we restrict it to the next year.
  protected function nextDay($date, $limit = 366) {

    // Safety check, we love infinite loops...
    $i = 0;
    while ($i++ <= $limit) {

      // This should fix values out of range, like month > 12, day > 31....
      // So we can trust we get the next valid day, can't we?
      $time = mktime(0, 0, 0, $date['mon'], $date['mday'] + 1, $date['year']);
      $date = getdate($time);
      if ($this
        ->checkDay($date)) {
        $date['hours'] = reset($this->cron['hours']);
        $date['minutes'] = reset($this->cron['minutes']);
        return $date;

   * Find the next available hour within the same day.
  protected function nextHour($date) {
    $cron = $this->cron;
    while ($cron['hours']) {
      $hour = array_shift($cron['hours']);

      // Current hour; next minute.
      if ($date['hours'] == $hour) {
        foreach ($cron['minutes'] as $minute) {
          if ($date['minutes'] < $minute) {
            $date['hours'] = $hour;
            $date['minutes'] = $minute;
            return $date;
      elseif ($date['hours'] < $hour) {
        $date['hours'] = $hour;
        $date['minutes'] = reset($cron['minutes']);
        return $date;
    return FALSE;

   * Parse each text element. Recursive up to some point...
  protected static function parseElement($type, $string, $translate = FALSE) {
    $string = trim($string);
    if ($translate) {
      $string = self::translateNames($type, $string);
    if ($string === '*') {

      // This means all possible values, return right away, no need to double
      // check.
      return self::possibleValues($type);
    elseif (strpos($string, '/')) {

      // Multiple. Example */2, for weekday will expand into 2, 4, 6.
      list($values, $multiple) = explode('/', $string);
      $values = self::parseElement($type, $values);
      foreach ($values as $value) {
        if (!($value % $multiple)) {
          $range[] = $value;
    elseif (strpos($string, ',')) {

      // Now process list parts, expand into items, process each and merge back.
      $list = explode(',', $string);
      $range = array();
      foreach ($list as $item) {
        if ($values = self::parseElement($type, $item)) {
          $range = array_merge($range, $values);
    elseif (strpos($string, '-')) {

      // This defines a range. Example 1-3, will expand into 1,2,3.
      list($start, $end) = explode('-', $string);

      // Double check the range is within possible values.
      $range = range($start, $end);
    elseif (is_numeric($string)) {

      // This looks like a single number, double check it's int.
      $range = array(
        (int) $string,

    // Return unique sorted values and double check they're within possible
    // values.
    if (!empty($range)) {
      $range = array_intersect(array_unique($range), self::possibleValues($type));

      // Sunday validation. We need cron values to match PHP values, thus week
      // day 7 is not allowed, must be 0.
      if ($type == 'wday' && in_array(7, $range)) {
        array_unshift($range, 0);
      return $range;
    else {

      // No match found for this one, will produce an error with validation.
      return array();

   * Get values for each type.
  public static function possibleValues($type) {
    switch ($type) {
      case 'minutes':
        return range(0, 59);
      case 'hours':
        return range(0, 23);
      case 'mday':
        return range(1, 31);
      case 'mon':
        return range(1, 12);
      case 'wday':

        // These are PHP values, not *nix ones.
        return range(0, 6);

   * Replace element names by values.
  public static function translateNames($type, $string) {
    switch ($type) {
      case 'wday':
        $replace = array_merge(array(
          '-sunday' => '-7',
          '-sun' => '-7',
          'sunday-' => '0-',
          'sun-' => '0-',
        ), array_flip(array(
        )), array_flip(array(
      case 'mon':
        $replace = array_merge(array_flip(array(
        )), array_flip(array(
        )), array(
          'sept' => 9,
    if (empty($replace)) {
      return $string;
    else {
      return strtr($string, $replace);



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
JobSchedulerCronTab::$cron public property Parsed numeric values indexed by type.
JobSchedulerCronTab::$crontab public property Original crontab elements.
JobSchedulerCronTab::checkDay protected function Check whether date's day is a valid one.
JobSchedulerCronTab::nextDate public function Find the next occurrence within the next year as a date array,.
JobSchedulerCronTab::nextDay protected function Find the next day from date that matches with cron parameters.
JobSchedulerCronTab::nextHour protected function Find the next available hour within the same day.
JobSchedulerCronTab::nextTime public function Find the next occurrence within the next year as unix timestamp.
JobSchedulerCronTab::parse public static function Parse full crontab string into an array of type => values.
JobSchedulerCronTab::parseElement protected static function Parse each text element. Recursive up to some point...
JobSchedulerCronTab::possibleValues public static function Get values for each type.
JobSchedulerCronTab::translateNames public static function Replace element names by values.
JobSchedulerCronTab::values public static function Parse array of values, check whether this is valid.
JobSchedulerCronTab::__construct public function Constructor.