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function _jcarousel_help_events in jCarousel 8.5

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.4 jcarousel.module \_jcarousel_help_events()
1 call to _jcarousel_help_events()
jcarousel_help in ./jcarousel.module
Implements hook_help().


./jcarousel.module, line 315
Provides integration with 3rd party modules and the jCarousel library.


function _jcarousel_help_events() {
  $build = [];
  $build[] = [
    '#type' => 'html_tag',
    '#tag' => 'h3',
    '#value' => t('Events handle'),
  $build[] = [
    '#type' => 'html_tag',
    '#tag' => 'p',
    '#value' => t('You can attach jCarousel and jCarousel plugins events handlers via settings
      using \'events\' property. Property structure are following: <code> <pre>
      $options = [
        \'events\' => [
          \'jcarousel\' => [
            \'jcarousel:create\' => \'jcarousel.createCarousel\',
      ];</pre> </code>'),
  return $build;