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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en-us">
<title>jCarousel Examples</title>
<link href="../style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

  jQuery library
<script type="text/javascript" src="../lib/jquery-1.2.3.pack.js"></script>

  jCarousel library
<script type="text/javascript" src="../lib/jquery.jcarousel.pack.js"></script>

  jCarousel core stylesheet
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../lib/jquery.jcarousel.css" />

  jCarousel skin stylesheet
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../skins/ie7/skin.css" />

<style type="text/css">

#mycarousel .jcarousel-item-placeholder {
    background: transparent url(../images/loading-small.gif) 50% 50% no-repeat;

<script type="text/javascript">

function mycarousel_itemLoadCallback(carousel, state)
    if (carousel.prevFirst != null) {
        // Remove the last visible items to keep the list small
        for (var i = carousel.prevFirst; i <= carousel.prevLast; i++) {
            // jCarousel takes care not to remove visible items

    var per_page = carousel.last - carousel.first + 1;
    var currPage = 0;
    var f,l;
    var cr = carousel;

    for (var i = carousel.first; i <= carousel.last; i++) {
        var page = Math.ceil(i / per_page);

        if (currPage != page) {
            currPage = page;

            f = ((page - 1) * per_page) + 1;
            l = f + per_page - 1;

            f = f < carousel.first ? carousel.first : f;
            l = l > carousel.last ? carousel.last : l;

            if (carousel.has(f, l)) {

            mycarousel_makeRequest(carousel, f, l, per_page, page);

function mycarousel_makeRequest(carousel, first, last, per_page, page)
    // Lock carousel until request has been made

            'per_page': per_page,
            'page': page
        function(data) {
            mycarousel_itemAddCallback(carousel, first, last, data, page);

function mycarousel_itemAddCallback(carousel, first, last, data, page)
    // Unlock

    // Set size
    carousel.size($('photos', data).attr('total'));

    var photos = $('photo', data);
    var per_page = carousel.last - carousel.first + 1;

    for (var i = first; i <= last; i++) {
        var pos = i - 1;
        var idx = Math.round(((pos / per_page) - Math.floor(pos / per_page)) * per_page);

        carousel.add(i, mycarousel_getItemHTML(photos.get(idx)));

 * Global item html creation helper.
function mycarousel_getItemHTML(photo)
    var url = 'http://farm'+$(photo).attr('farm')+''+$(photo).attr('server')+'/'+$(photo).attr('id')+'_'+$(photo).attr('secret')+'_s.jpg';
    return '<a href="'+$(photo).attr('owner')+'/'+$(photo).attr('id')+'/" target="_blank" title="'+$(photo).attr('title')+'"><img src="' + url + '" border="0" width="75" height="75" alt="'+$(photo).attr('title')+'" /></a>';

jQuery(document).ready(function() {
        itemLoadCallback: mycarousel_itemLoadCallback

<div id="wrap">
  <h2>Riding carousels with jQuery</h2>

  <h3>Carousel with dynamic content loading via Ajax from the Flickr API</h3>
    The data is loaded dynamically from the <a href="">Flickr API</a>
    method <a href=""></a>.
    All items not in the visible range are removed from the list to keep the list small.
    Note: There are constantly added new photos at flickr, so you possibly get different photos at certain positions.

  <div id="mycarousel" class="jcarousel-skin-ie7">
      <!-- The content will be dynamically loaded in here -->

    <strong>If you're using this example on your own server, don't forget to set your API key in dynamic_flickr_api.php!</strong>
