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function javascript_libraries_block_view_alter in JavaScript Libraries Manager 7

Implements hook_block_view_alter().


./javascript_libraries.module, line 366
Toggle the inclusion of Drupal system libraries. Upload and reference custom libraries as well.


function javascript_libraries_block_view_alter(&$data, $block) {
  if (user_access('view the administration theme') && path_is_admin(current_path())) {

    // Don't load any custom JS when administrators are viewing an admin page.
  $module = $block->module;
  $delta = $block->delta;
  $options = array();
  $options['scope'] = 'footer';
  $settings = variable_get('javascript_libraries_block_settings', array());
  if (!empty($settings[$module][$delta])) {
    foreach ($settings[$module][$delta] as $id) {
      $library = javascript_libraries_custom_load($id);

      // Only libraries that are not otherwise loaded will be loaded for this block.
      if (!empty($library) && $library['scope'] == 'disabled') {

        // Use a script loader inline to avoid breaking block cache, since
        // drupal_add_js() won't run when the cached version is served.
        $inline = javascript_libraries_add_inline(file_create_url($library['uri']));

        // Use #suffix if content is a renderable array; otherwise append the
        // output string.
        if (is_array($data['content'])) {
          $data['content']['#suffix'] = $inline;
        elseif (is_string($data['content'])) {
          $data['content'] .= $inline;