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function ip_login_user_logout in IP Login 6.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.3 ip_login.module \ip_login_user_logout()
  2. 7.2 ip_login.module \ip_login_user_logout()
  3. 4.x ip_login.module \ip_login_user_logout()

Logs the current user out.

Called from hook_user on logout, most of the code taken from user_logout() and _drupal_bootstrap().

1 call to ip_login_user_logout()
ip_login_user in ./ip_login.module
Implementation of hook_user().


./ip_login.module, line 508
Allow user login by IP addresses, ranges or wildcards.


function ip_login_user_logout() {

  // prevent recursive call via user_module_invoke() / module_invoke_all() in
  if (!ip_login_is_possible()) {
  else {
  global $user;

  // store whether this user can log back in automatically
  $can_login_as_another_user = _ip_login_can_login_as_another_user($user);

  // sets indicator to behaviour in hook_boot().
  $expire = 0;

  // Cookie expires at the end of the session (when the browser closes).
  setcookie(LOGIN_AS_DIFFERENT_USER, $can_login_as_another_user, $expire, '/');
  if (!$can_login_as_another_user) {

    // @todo: it is possible that some other hook_user_logout() has been called already
    // does this generate an undetermined state?
    $message = t(variable_get('ip_login_logged_back_in', 'This account does not have permission to log out once logged in automatically. You have been logged back in.'));
    $message = token_replace($message, array(
      'user' => $user,
    ), array(
      'clear' => TRUE,
    drupal_set_message($message, 'warning');

    // show the login page
    drupal_goto(variable_get('ip_login_destination', 'user'));