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ip_geoloc_map_multi_visitor.tpl.php in IP Geolocation Views & Maps 7


This template is typically used to output a map of visitor locations in a non-view context, e.g. through a block.

Variables available:

  • $locations: array of locations each with lat/long coordinates and balloon texts; the map will be centered on the first location, usually the current visitor location
  • $div_id: id of the div in which the map will be injected; arbitrary but must be unique
  • $map_options: passed to Google Maps API, for example: '{"mapTypeId":"roadmap", "zoom": 10}'
  • $map_style: CSS style string, like 'height: 200px; width: 500px'


View source

 * @file
 * ip_geoloc_map_multi_visitor.tpl.php
 * This template is typically used to output a map of visitor locations in a
 * non-view context, e.g. through a block.
 * Variables available:
 * - $locations: array of locations each with lat/long coordinates and balloon
 *   texts; the map will be centered on the first location, usually the current
 *   visitor location
 * - $div_id: id of the div in which the map will be injected; arbitrary but
 *   must be unique
 * - $map_options: passed to Google Maps API, for example:
 *   '{"mapTypeId":"roadmap", "zoom": 10}'
 * - $map_style: CSS style string, like 'height: 200px; width: 500px'
<div class="ip-geoloc-map visitor-map">

print ip_geoloc_output_map_multi_visitor($locations, $div_id, $map_options, $map_style);