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function ip_geoloc_save_map_options in IP Geolocation Views & Maps 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 \ip_geoloc_save_map_options()

Save map options to a Drupal variable.


string $var_name: The variable name to save.

string $map_options: The map options to save.

2 calls to ip_geoloc_save_map_options()
CurrentVisitorMapBlock::blockSubmit in src/Plugin/Block/CurrentVisitorMapBlock.php
RecentVisistorsMapBlock::blockSubmit in src/Plugin/Block/RecentVisistorsMapBlock.php


./, line 18
Blocks available in IP Geolocation Views & Maps.


function ip_geoloc_save_map_options($var_name, $map_options) {

  // @TODO map option sends error
  $map_options_decoded = Json::decode($map_options);
  if ($map_options_decoded == NULL) {
      ->addMessage("Sytax error in map options. These map options may not work: '%map_options'", 'warning');

    // @TODO fix translation
    // drupal_set_message(t("Sytax error in map options. These map options may not work: '%map_options'", array('%map_options' => $map_options)), 'warning');
  $config = \Drupal::service('config.factory')
    ->set($var_name, $map_options);