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12 calls to ip_geoloc_get_visitor_location() in IP Geolocation Views & Maps 7

geofieldProximityGeocoderWithHTML5::getSourceValue in views/proximity_plugins/
ip_geoloc_block_view in ./
Implements hook_block_view().
ip_geoloc_distance in ./
Returns the distance (in meters) between two points on the earth's surface.
ip_geoloc_init in ./ip_geoloc.module
Implements hook_init().
ip_geoloc_openlayers_layers in ./
Implements hook_openlayers_layers().
ip_geoloc_plugin_argument_default_ip_geoloc::get_argument in views/
Return the default argument.
ip_geoloc_plugin_style_leaflet::render in views/
Transform the View result in a list of marker locations and render on map.
ip_geoloc_plugin_style_openlayers::render in views/
Transform the View result in a list of markers and render these on a map.
ip_geoloc_set_location_form in ./
Form for finding the visitor or going to a region or street address.
ip_geoloc_tokens in ./
Implements hook_tokens().
ip_geoloc_views_post_render in ./ip_geoloc.module
Implements hook_views_post_render().
_ip_geoloc_get_field_value in plugins/
Better Statistics field callback for IP Geoloc.