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11 calls to _ip_geoloc_set_session_value() in IP Geolocation Views & Maps 7

ip_geoloc_current_location_ajax_recipient in ./ip_geoloc.module
Data recipient for javascript function getLocation().
ip_geoloc_erase_session in ./
Erase geoloc data from session.
ip_geoloc_get_current_location in ./
Uses AJAX to return in $_POST info about the visitor's current location.
ip_geoloc_init in ./ip_geoloc.module
Implements hook_init().
ip_geoloc_log_errors in ./ip_geoloc.module
Log errors via the watchdog.
ip_geoloc_views_post_render in ./ip_geoloc.module
Implements hook_views_post_render().
_ip_geoloc_get_session_value in ./
Get a value from the user's SESSION or all values, if no name is specified.
_ip_geoloc_process_find_me_ajax in ./
AJAX form submit handler for the "Set my location" block.
_ip_geoloc_process_find_me_submit in ./
Submit handler for "Find me" button on the "Set my location block".
_ip_geoloc_process_go_to_submit in ./
Submit handler to either go to a Region or "Move to" a street address.
_ip_geoloc_reverse_geocode_timeout in ./ip_geoloc.module
Handle timeout of the Google Maps reverse-geocode callback, if enabled.