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function ip_geoloc_enable in IP Geolocation Views & Maps 7

Implments hook_enable().


./ip_geoloc.install, line 11
Install and uninstall hooks for IP Geolocation Views & Maps.


function ip_geoloc_enable() {
  drupal_set_message(t('IP Geolocation Views & Maps is now enabled. Please note that some of the canned Views that come with this module require the "<a target="project_page" href="!views_php">Views PHP</a>" module. The "Set my location" block requires <a target="project_page" href="!geocoder">Geocoder</a>. <br/>Module "<a target="project_page" href="!session_cache">Session Cache API</a>" is optional and recommended.', array(
    '!views_php' => url(''),
    '!geocoder' => url(''),
    '!session_cache' => url(''),