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README.txt in IP Geolocation Views & Maps 8

Same filename in this branch
  1. 8 README.txt
  2. 8 markers/README.txt
  3. 8 modules/README.txt
Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 7 README.txt
This documentation concentrates on the installation and configuration of the
IP Geolocation Views & Maps (IPGV&M) module. A full description of the module
and its features can be found at

First, if you are using IPGV&M primarily for its Views mapping interface to
other modules and the features it adds, then here's a configuration shortcut.
Download and enable IPGV&M like any other module. Visit its
configuration page, .../admin/config/system/ip_geoloc.
If you intend to use IPGV&M's built-in interface to Google Maps, untick all
"Data collection option" boxes.
If you intend to use IPGV&M with the OpenLayers module and also wish to
show and center on the visitor's HTML-5 retrieved location, then you do need to
tick the first "Data collection option" and select applicable roles below it.

You are now ready to map your View of Location, Geofield, Geolocation Field or
GetLocations data and optionally center that map on the visitor's location.
Visit the IPGV&M configuration page to specify an alternative marker set. When
using Leaflet you can superimpose Font Awesome font characters on top of your

If you want to center the map on the visitor's location, but don't want to use
the HTML5 style of location retrieval involving a browser prompt, you may want
to configure an alternative lat/long lookup based on IP address. For this follow
installation instruction B1a or B1b below, depending on whether you'd like to
employ Smart IP or GeoIP for this.

If you DO want to auto-record visitor address details then complete the steps
under A and B below.

A. Present and future: reporting and mapping of location information about
guests visiting after you enabled IPGV&M

1. Install and enable like any other module, use Drush if you wish. Remain
connected to the internet.

2. Make sure the core Statistics module is enabled. Then at Configuration >>
Statistics, section System, verify that the access log is enabled. Select the
"Discard access logs older than" option as you please. "Never" is good.

3. Visit the IPGV&M configuration page at Configuration >> IP Geolocation V&M
If you don't see any errors or warnings (usually yellow) you're
good to proceed. Don't worry about any of the configuration options for now,
the defaults are fine.

4. At Structure >> Blocks put the block "Map showing locations of 10 most recent
visitors" in the content region of all or a selected page. View the page. That
marker represents you (or your service provider). Clicking the marker reveals
more details.

5. Enable the Views and Views PHP ( modules.
Then have a look at Structure >> Views for a couple of handy Views, e.g. the
"Visitor log", which shows for each IP address that visited, its street address,
as well as a local map. Or "Visitor log (lite)", which combines nicely when put
on the same page with the "Map showing locations of 10 most recent visitors".
Modify these views as you please.

B. Historic data: location info about visits to your site from way back when

Note, that this step relies on you having had the Statistics module enabled
before you installed IPGV&M, as the access log is used as the source of IP
addresses that have visited your site previously.
There are a couple of options here. Use either and the IPinfoDB web service it uses, or, which takes its data from a file you download
for free.

1a. If you decide to employ Smart IP....
Install and enable Smart IP. There is no need to enable the Device Geolocation
submodule as IPGV&M already has that functionality, plus more. At
Configuration >> Smart IP you'll find two options to upload historic lat/long
data. The one using the IPinfoDB web service is probably the quickest. The API
key required on the Smart IP configuration page is free and is sent to you
immediately by return email after you have filled out the short form at On the Smart IP configuration page perform an
IP lookup to verify that the key is correct.

1b. If you decide to employ GeoIP instead of Smart IP...
Download and enable the module. Then download and uncompress and place
it in sites/all/libraries/geoip. Go to the GeoIP configuration page and type
the name of the file you've just downloaded, GeoLiteCity.dat. Save. That should
be it.

2. With either Smart IP or GeoIP configured, visit Configuration >> IPGV&M.
Tick the check boxes as appropriate.

3. On the same page, start a small batch import of, say, size 10. Data for the
most recent visitors will be loaded first, so you don't have to complete the
import to check it's all working. For instance, the block "Map showing locations
of 10 most recent visitors" should now show more markers.

4. Go back the Configuration >> IPGV&M and complete the import process
with a larger batch size until the IP geolocation database is up to date with
the access log. It will automatically remain in synch from now on.

If you have one of the Location, Geofield, Geolocation Field or Get Locations
modules enabled, then first create a normal tabular content View of nodes that
hold location coordinates via one of these modules. The coordinates will show up
in the Field list of your View.
Unless you use the Location module (with User Locations or Node Locations), make
sure you have included in your view's field selection a field named "Content:
your_Geofield/Geolocation_field". Only one copy is required, you do NOT need
both a latitude version plus a longitude version. The "Formatter", if it pops
up, is relevant only if you want the location field to appear in the marker
balloons. Make sure "Use field template" is UNTICKED.
Then, after selecting the View Format "Map (Google, via IPGV&M)", "Map (Leaflet,
via IPGV&M)" or "Map (OpenLayers, via IPGV&M)" select or type field_name in the
"Name of latitude field in Views query".
Fill out the remaining options to your liking. Save. Done.

You need to download and install the Leaflet package on your system, but you
only have to enable the main module, no need for the Leaflet Views submodule.
Don't forget to download the Leaflet javascript library from This zip file contains a directory
named 'dist'. Drop this directory in your Drupal install in
sites/all/libraries/leaflet, so that the path to the essential javascript file
becomes sites/all/libraries/leaflet/dist/leaflet.js
Remember to install and enable the Libraries API module too. If all's ok, you
won't see any errors in the Status Report, .../admin/reports/status.

Of the modules in the OpenLayers package you only need to enable OpenLayers and
OpenLayers UI. In fact, you could even disable OpenLayers UI when you're done
configuring your maps.
Initially the location markers are likely to show up as black circles. To
change the marker shapes and colours you need to first associate the "Location
markers" layer with your map at Structure >> OpenLayers >> Maps >> List. If
there is no custom map on this page yet, you have to first clone and save under
a different name one of the existing maps. Once you've done that, you'll find
that on Structure >> OpenLayers >> Maps >> List the map appears with an Edit
link. Click that, followed by the "Layers & Styles" vertical tab. In the bottom
section of the page you'll find the "Current visitor marker" layer and a number
of "Location markers" layers. You'll only need to activate Location markers #1,
unless you have defined a "differentiator" (e.g. taxonomy term) on your view.
Pick marker styles from the drop-downs as you please and press Save. Note that
the location markers won't show up in the map preview, but the visitor marker
should. This is because the map doesn't know which view it will be paired with.
In fact there may be several views using the same map. Return to edit your view.
Under Format, Settings select the map you've just created and edited. Save the
format and the view. Visit the page containing your view and all markers should
appear in the colours you chose.
In order to make the text balloons pop up at a marker when hovered or clicked,
visit Structure >> OpenLayers >> Maps >> Edit and click the "Behaviors"
vertical tab. Scroll down the page until you reach the "Pop Up for Features"
check box. Tick it and select the layers you're interested with, e.g.
ip_geoloc_visitor_marker_layer1 and/or ip_geoloc_marker_layer. Same for
"Tooltip for Features". Other nice behaviors that you may wish to flick on on
the same page are "Full Screen", "Layer Switcher", "Pan and Zoom Bar Controls"
and "Scale Line".

Find on the web a marker icon set you like, eg
Download and extract the icon image files, which must have extension .png,
into a directory anywhere in your Drupal instal,
e.g. sites/default/files/map_markers.

Now visit the the IP Geolocation Views & Maps configuration page at
admin/config/system/ip_geoloc. Expand the "Alternative markers" fieldset.
Enter the path to your map_markers directory and the dimensions of your markers.
The marker set will now be available in your map settings, in particular in the
differentiator settings.

To install Font Awesome visit and
press the "Download" button. Unzip the downloaded file into the Drupal
libraries directory, typically sites/all/libraries, so that the path to the
essential style sheet becomes

First of all, check out file for a number of useful utility
functions for creating maps and markers, calculating distances between locations
etc. All functions are documented and should be straightforward to use.

HOOKS (see ip_geoloc.api.php)
To add, change or remove marker locations from the View-based set, you can
implement hook_ip_geoloc_marker_locations_alter(&$marker_locations, &$view).
Each element in the &marker_locations array is an object with the following


The $marker_location->marker_color has to be the name (without extension) of one
of the files in the ip_geoloc/markers directory, or alternative, if configured
at admin/config/system/ip_geoloc.
The code below changes the color of the first two markers returned by the View
to orange and yellow and then prepends an additional marker, not in the View.
Because the marker is added at the front of the location array, the map can be
centered on it. Or you can choose one of the other centering options, as per

 * Implements hook_ip_geoloc_marker_locations_alter().
function MYMODULE_ip_geoloc_marker_locations_alter(&$marker_locations, &$view) {
  if ($view->name != 'my_view') {
  if (count($marker_locations) >= 2) {
    $marker_locations[0]->marker_color = 'orange';
    $marker_locations[1]->marker_color = 'yellow';
  $observatory = new stdClass();
  $observatory->latitude = 51.4777;
  $observatory->longitude = -0.0015;
  $observatory->balloon_text = t('The zero-meridian passes through the courtyard of the <strong>Greenwich</strong> observatory.');
  $observatory->marker_color = 'white';
  array_unshift($marker_locations, $observatory);

If you want to hook your own gelocation data provider into IP Geolocation, then
you can -- it's simple, using another hook.
All you have to do is flesh out the following function.

 * Implements hook_get_ip_geolocation_alter().
function MYMODULE_get_ip_geolocation_alter(&$location) {

  if (empty($location['ip_address'])) {
  // ... your code here to retrieve geolocation data ...
  $location['provider'] = 'MYMODULE';

  // Fill out some or all of the location fields that IPGV&M knows how to store.
  $location['latitude'] = ;
  $location['longitude'] = ;
  $location['country'] = ;
  $location['country_code'] = ;
  $location['region'] = ;
  $location['region_code'] = ;
  $location['city'] = ;
  // 'locality' is usually the suburb.
  $location['locality'] = ;
  // 'route' is usually the street.
  $location['route'] = ;
  $location['street_number'] = ;
  $location['postal_code'] = ;
  // 'administrative_area_level_1' is usually the state or province.
  $location['administrative_area_level_1'] = ;
  // Finally the complete address as a human-readable string.
  $location['formatted_address'] = ;

That's all!
Note that when IPGV&M calls this function the $location object may be
partially fleshed out. If $location['ip_address'] is empty, this means that
IPGV&M is still waiting for more details to arrive from the Google
reverse-geocoding AJAX call. If $location['ip_address'] is not empty, then
IPGV&M does not expect any further details and will store the $location
with your modifications (if any) on the IP geolocation database. You must set
$location['formatted_address'] in order for the location to be stored.

Taken from :

"Use of the Google Geocoding API is subject to a query limit of 2500 geolocation
requests per day. (Users of Google Maps API Premier may perform up to 100,000
requests per day.) This limit is enforced to prevent abuse and/or repurposing of
the Geocoding API, and this limit may be changed in the future without notice.
Additionally, we enforce a request rate limit to prevent abuse of the service.
If you exceed the 24-hour limit or otherwise abuse the service, the Geocoding
API may stop working for you temporarily. If you continue to exceed this limit,
your access to the Geocoding API may be blocked.
Note: the Geocoding API may only be used in conjunction with a Google map;
geocoding results without displaying them on a map is prohibited. For complete
details on allowed usage, consult the Maps API Terms of Service License

Rik de Boer of flink dot com dot au, Melbourne, Australia.


View source
  2. ==================================
  3. This documentation concentrates on the installation and configuration of the
  4. IP Geolocation Views & Maps (IPGV&M) module. A full description of the module
  5. and its features can be found at
  7. ============================
  8. First, if you are using IPGV&M primarily for its Views mapping interface to
  9. other modules and the features it adds, then here's a configuration shortcut.
  10. Download and enable IPGV&M like any other module. Visit its
  11. configuration page, .../admin/config/system/ip_geoloc.
  12. If you intend to use IPGV&M's built-in interface to Google Maps, untick all
  13. "Data collection option" boxes.
  14. If you intend to use IPGV&M with the OpenLayers module and also wish to
  15. show and center on the visitor's HTML-5 retrieved location, then you do need to
  16. tick the first "Data collection option" and select applicable roles below it.
  17. You are now ready to map your View of Location, Geofield, Geolocation Field or
  18. GetLocations data and optionally center that map on the visitor's location.
  19. Visit the IPGV&M configuration page to specify an alternative marker set. When
  20. using Leaflet you can superimpose Font Awesome font characters on top of your
  21. markers.
  22. If you want to center the map on the visitor's location, but don't want to use
  23. the HTML5 style of location retrieval involving a browser prompt, you may want
  24. to configure an alternative lat/long lookup based on IP address. For this follow
  25. installation instruction B1a or B1b below, depending on whether you'd like to
  26. employ Smart IP or GeoIP for this.
  27. If you DO want to auto-record visitor address details then complete the steps
  28. under A and B below.
  29. A. Present and future: reporting and mapping of location information about
  30. guests visiting after you enabled IPGV&M
  31. 1. Install and enable like any other module, use Drush if you wish. Remain
  32. connected to the internet.
  33. 2. Make sure the core Statistics module is enabled. Then at Configuration >>
  34. Statistics, section System, verify that the access log is enabled. Select the
  35. "Discard access logs older than" option as you please. "Never" is good.
  36. 3. Visit the IPGV&M configuration page at Configuration >> IP Geolocation V&M
  37. If you don't see any errors or warnings (usually yellow) you're
  38. good to proceed. Don't worry about any of the configuration options for now,
  39. the defaults are fine.
  40. 4. At Structure >> Blocks put the block "Map showing locations of 10 most recent
  41. visitors" in the content region of all or a selected page. View the page. That
  42. marker represents you (or your service provider). Clicking the marker reveals
  43. more details.
  44. 5. Enable the Views and Views PHP ( modules.
  45. Then have a look at Structure >> Views for a couple of handy Views, e.g. the
  46. "Visitor log", which shows for each IP address that visited, its street address,
  47. as well as a local map. Or "Visitor log (lite)", which combines nicely when put
  48. on the same page with the "Map showing locations of 10 most recent visitors".
  49. Modify these views as you please.
  50. B. Historic data: location info about visits to your site from way back when
  51. Note, that this step relies on you having had the Statistics module enabled
  52. before you installed IPGV&M, as the access log is used as the source of IP
  53. addresses that have visited your site previously.
  54. There are a couple of options here. Use either
  55. and the IPinfoDB web service it uses, or
  56., which takes its data from a file you download
  57. for free.
  58. 1a. If you decide to employ Smart IP....
  59. Install and enable Smart IP. There is no need to enable the Device Geolocation
  60. submodule as IPGV&M already has that functionality, plus more. At
  61. Configuration >> Smart IP you'll find two options to upload historic lat/long
  62. data. The one using the IPinfoDB web service is probably the quickest. The API
  63. key required on the Smart IP configuration page is free and is sent to you
  64. immediately by return email after you have filled out the short form at
  65. On the Smart IP configuration page perform an
  66. IP lookup to verify that the key is correct.
  67. 1b. If you decide to employ GeoIP instead of Smart IP...
  68. Download and enable the module. Then download and uncompress
  69. and place
  70. it in sites/all/libraries/geoip. Go to the GeoIP configuration page and type
  71. the name of the file you've just downloaded, GeoLiteCity.dat. Save. That should
  72. be it.
  73. 2. With either Smart IP or GeoIP configured, visit Configuration >> IPGV&M.
  74. Tick the check boxes as appropriate.
  75. 3. On the same page, start a small batch import of, say, size 10. Data for the
  76. most recent visitors will be loaded first, so you don't have to complete the
  77. import to check it's all working. For instance, the block "Map showing locations
  78. of 10 most recent visitors" should now show more markers.
  79. 4. Go back the Configuration >> IPGV&M and complete the import process
  80. with a larger batch size until the IP geolocation database is up to date with
  81. the access log. It will automatically remain in synch from now on.
  83. =========================================
  84. If you have one of the Location, Geofield, Geolocation Field or Get Locations
  85. modules enabled, then first create a normal tabular content View of nodes that
  86. hold location coordinates via one of these modules. The coordinates will show up
  87. in the Field list of your View.
  88. Unless you use the Location module (with User Locations or Node Locations), make
  89. sure you have included in your view's field selection a field named "Content:
  90. your_Geofield/Geolocation_field". Only one copy is required, you do NOT need
  91. both a latitude version plus a longitude version. The "Formatter", if it pops
  92. up, is relevant only if you want the location field to appear in the marker
  93. balloons. Make sure "Use field template" is UNTICKED.
  94. Then, after selecting the View Format "Map (Google, via IPGV&M)", "Map (Leaflet,
  95. via IPGV&M)" or "Map (OpenLayers, via IPGV&M)" select or type field_name in the
  96. "Name of latitude field in Views query".
  97. Fill out the remaining options to your liking. Save. Done.
  99. ============
  100. You need to download and install the Leaflet package on your system, but you
  101. only have to enable the main module, no need for the Leaflet Views submodule.
  102. Don't forget to download the Leaflet javascript library from
  103. This zip file contains a directory
  104. named 'dist'. Drop this directory in your Drupal install in
  105. sites/all/libraries/leaflet, so that the path to the essential javascript file
  106. becomes sites/all/libraries/leaflet/dist/leaflet.js
  107. Remember to install and enable the Libraries API module too. If all's ok, you
  108. won't see any errors in the Status Report, .../admin/reports/status.
  110. ===============
  111. Of the modules in the OpenLayers package you only need to enable OpenLayers and
  112. OpenLayers UI. In fact, you could even disable OpenLayers UI when you're done
  113. configuring your maps.
  114. Initially the location markers are likely to show up as black circles. To
  115. change the marker shapes and colours you need to first associate the "Location
  116. markers" layer with your map at Structure >> OpenLayers >> Maps >> List. If
  117. there is no custom map on this page yet, you have to first clone and save under
  118. a different name one of the existing maps. Once you've done that, you'll find
  119. that on Structure >> OpenLayers >> Maps >> List the map appears with an Edit
  120. link. Click that, followed by the "Layers & Styles" vertical tab. In the bottom
  121. section of the page you'll find the "Current visitor marker" layer and a number
  122. of "Location markers" layers. You'll only need to activate Location markers #1,
  123. unless you have defined a "differentiator" (e.g. taxonomy term) on your view.
  124. Pick marker styles from the drop-downs as you please and press Save. Note that
  125. the location markers won't show up in the map preview, but the visitor marker
  126. should. This is because the map doesn't know which view it will be paired with.
  127. In fact there may be several views using the same map. Return to edit your view.
  128. Under Format, Settings select the map you've just created and edited. Save the
  129. format and the view. Visit the page containing your view and all markers should
  130. appear in the colours you chose.
  131. In order to make the text balloons pop up at a marker when hovered or clicked,
  132. visit Structure >> OpenLayers >> Maps >> Edit and click the "Behaviors"
  133. vertical tab. Scroll down the page until you reach the "Pop Up for Features"
  134. check box. Tick it and select the layers you're interested with, e.g.
  135. ip_geoloc_visitor_marker_layer1 and/or ip_geoloc_marker_layer. Same for
  136. "Tooltip for Features". Other nice behaviors that you may wish to flick on on
  137. the same page are "Full Screen", "Layer Switcher", "Pan and Zoom Bar Controls"
  138. and "Scale Line".
  140. ===============================================
  141. Find on the web a marker icon set you like, eg
  142. Download and extract the icon image files, which must have extension .png,
  143. into a directory anywhere in your Drupal instal,
  144. e.g. sites/default/files/map_markers.
  145. Now visit the the IP Geolocation Views & Maps configuration page at
  146. admin/config/system/ip_geoloc. Expand the "Alternative markers" fieldset.
  147. Enter the path to your map_markers directory and the dimensions of your markers.
  148. The marker set will now be available in your map settings, in particular in the
  149. differentiator settings.
  151. =================================================================
  152. To install Font Awesome visit and
  153. press the "Download" button. Unzip the downloaded file into the Drupal
  154. libraries directory, typically sites/all/libraries, so that the path to the
  155. essential style sheet becomes
  156. sites/all/libraries/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.css
  158. =================
  159. First of all, check out file for a number of useful utility
  160. functions for creating maps and markers, calculating distances between locations
  161. etc. All functions are documented and should be straightforward to use.
  162. HOOKS (see ip_geoloc.api.php)
  163. =============================
  164. To add, change or remove marker locations from the View-based set, you can
  165. implement hook_ip_geoloc_marker_locations_alter(&$marker_locations, &$view).
  166. Each element in the &marker_locations array is an object with the following
  167. fields:
  168. $marker_location->latitude
  169. $marker_location->longitude
  170. $marker_location->marker_color
  171. $marker_location->balloon_text
  172. The $marker_location->marker_color has to be the name (without extension) of one
  173. of the files in the ip_geoloc/markers directory, or alternative, if configured
  174. at admin/config/system/ip_geoloc.
  175. The code below changes the color of the first two markers returned by the View
  176. to orange and yellow and then prepends an additional marker, not in the View.
  177. Because the marker is added at the front of the location array, the map can be
  178. centered on it. Or you can choose one of the other centering options, as per
  179. normal.
  180. /**
  181. * Implements hook_ip_geoloc_marker_locations_alter().
  182. */
  183. function MYMODULE_ip_geoloc_marker_locations_alter(&$marker_locations, &$view) {
  184. if ($view->name != 'my_view') {
  185. return;
  186. }
  187. if (count($marker_locations) >= 2) {
  188. $marker_locations[0]->marker_color = 'orange';
  189. $marker_locations[1]->marker_color = 'yellow';
  190. }
  191. $observatory = new stdClass();
  192. $observatory->latitude = 51.4777;
  193. $observatory->longitude = -0.0015;
  194. $observatory->balloon_text = t('The zero-meridian passes through the courtyard of the Greenwich observatory.');
  195. $observatory->marker_color = 'white';
  196. array_unshift($marker_locations, $observatory);
  197. }
  198. ?>
  199. If you want to hook your own gelocation data provider into IP Geolocation, then
  200. you can -- it's simple, using another hook.
  201. All you have to do is flesh out the following function.
  202. /**
  203. * Implements hook_get_ip_geolocation_alter().
  204. */
  205. function MYMODULE_get_ip_geolocation_alter(&$location) {
  206. if (empty($location['ip_address'])) {
  207. return;
  208. }
  209. // ... your code here to retrieve geolocation data ...
  210. $location['provider'] = 'MYMODULE';
  211. // Fill out some or all of the location fields that IPGV&M knows how to store.
  212. $location['latitude'] = ;
  213. $location['longitude'] = ;
  214. $location['country'] = ;
  215. $location['country_code'] = ;
  216. $location['region'] = ;
  217. $location['region_code'] = ;
  218. $location['city'] = ;
  219. // 'locality' is usually the suburb.
  220. $location['locality'] = ;
  221. // 'route' is usually the street.
  222. $location['route'] = ;
  223. $location['street_number'] = ;
  224. $location['postal_code'] = ;
  225. // 'administrative_area_level_1' is usually the state or province.
  226. $location['administrative_area_level_1'] = ;
  227. // Finally the complete address as a human-readable string.
  228. $location['formatted_address'] = ;
  229. }
  230. ?>
  231. That's all!
  232. Note that when IPGV&M calls this function the $location object may be
  233. partially fleshed out. If $location['ip_address'] is empty, this means that
  234. IPGV&M is still waiting for more details to arrive from the Google
  235. reverse-geocoding AJAX call. If $location['ip_address'] is not empty, then
  236. IPGV&M does not expect any further details and will store the $location
  237. with your modifications (if any) on the IP geolocation database. You must set
  238. $location['formatted_address'] in order for the location to be stored.
  240. ==============================
  241. Taken from :
  242. "Use of the Google Geocoding API is subject to a query limit of 2500 geolocation
  243. requests per day. (Users of Google Maps API Premier may perform up to 100,000
  244. requests per day.) This limit is enforced to prevent abuse and/or repurposing of
  245. the Geocoding API, and this limit may be changed in the future without notice.
  246. Additionally, we enforce a request rate limit to prevent abuse of the service.
  247. If you exceed the 24-hour limit or otherwise abuse the service, the Geocoding
  248. API may stop working for you temporarily. If you continue to exceed this limit,
  249. your access to the Geocoding API may be blocked.
  250. Note: the Geocoding API may only be used in conjunction with a Google map;
  251. geocoding results without displaying them on a map is prohibited. For complete
  252. details on allowed usage, consult the Maps API Terms of Service License
  253. Restrictions."
  254. AUTHOR
  255. ======
  256. Rik de Boer of flink dot com dot au, Melbourne, Australia.