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class IpBanSetBanManager in IP Ban 8


Expanded class hierarchy of IpBanSetBanManager

1 string reference to 'IpBanSetBanManager' in ./
1 service uses IpBanSetBanManager
ip_ban.manager in ./


src/IpBanSetBanManager.php, line 15
Contains \Drupal\ip_ban\IpBanSetBanInterface.


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class IpBanSetBanManager implements IpBanSetBanInterface {

   * The user's ban value.
   * @var int
   *   The user's ban value (one of IP_BAN_NOBAN (0), IP_BAN_READONLY (1),
   *   or IP_BAN_BANNED (2), which are defined in the .module file.
  private $banvalue;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function iPBanSetValue() {

    // If code is being run from drush, we don't want to take any action.
    if (PHP_SAPI === "cli" && function_exists('drush_main')) {

    // If user has permission to bypass ban, set to IP_BAN_NOBAN and return
    if (\Drupal::currentUser()
      ->hasPermission('ignore ip_ban')) {
      $this->banvalue = IP_BAN_NOBAN;
    $test_ip = \Drupal::config('ip_ban.settings')

    // Grab the test IP address or the user's real address.
    $ip = empty($test_ip) ? \Drupal::request()
      ->getClientIp() : $test_ip;
    $country_code = ip2country_get_country($ip);

    // Determine if the current user is banned or read only.
    // Individual IP complete ban trumps individual read only IP, both of which
    // trump a country setting.
    if (!isset($this->banvalue)) {
      $banvalue = (int) \Drupal::config('ip_ban.settings')
        ->get('ip_ban_' . $country_code);
      $this->banvalue = $banvalue;

      // Check the read-only IP list.
      $readonly_ips = \Drupal::config('ip_ban.settings')
      if (!empty($readonly_ips)) {
        $ip_readonly_array = explode(PHP_EOL, $readonly_ips);
        if (in_array($ip, $ip_readonly_array)) {
          $this->{$banvalue} = IP_BAN_READONLY;

      // Check the complete ban list.
      $banned_ips = \Drupal::config('ip_ban.settings')
      if (!empty($banned_ips)) {
        $ip_ban_array = explode(PHP_EOL, $banned_ips);
        if (in_array($ip, $ip_ban_array)) {
          $this->banvalue = IP_BAN_BANNED;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getBanValue() {
    return $this->banvalue;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function iPBanDetermineAction() {
    if ($this->banvalue == IP_BAN_READONLY) {
      $uri = \Drupal::service('path.current')
      if ($uri == 'user' || strpos($uri, 'user/') !== FALSE) {
        $path = \Drupal::config('ip_ban.settings')
        $response = new RedirectResponse($path);
    if ($this->banvalue == IP_BAN_BANNED) {

      // Always allow access to the banned page.
      $complete_ban_path = \Drupal::config('ip_ban.settings')
      if (!empty($complete_ban_path) && \Drupal::service('path.current')
        ->getPath() != \Drupal::service('path_alias.manager')
        ->getPathByAlias($complete_ban_path)) {
        $response = new RedirectResponse($complete_ban_path);
      else {



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
IpBanSetBanManager::$banvalue private property The user's ban value.
IpBanSetBanManager::getBanValue public function Returns the ban value currently set. Overrides IpBanSetBanInterface::getBanValue
IpBanSetBanManager::iPBanDetermineAction public function Determines action based on current user's ban setting. Overrides IpBanSetBanInterface::iPBanDetermineAction
IpBanSetBanManager::iPBanSetValue public function Set the user's ban value based on their country or individual IP address. Overrides IpBanSetBanInterface::iPBanSetValue