function ip2country_update_database in IP-based Determination of a Visitor's Country 7
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 8 \ip2country_update_database()
- 5 \ip2country_update_database()
- 6 \ip2country_update_database()
Updates the database.
Truncates ip2country table then reloads from ftp servers.
string $registry: Regional Internet Registry from which to get the data. Allowed values are afrinic, apnic, arin (default), lacnic, or ripe.
Return value
int|false FALSE if database update failed. Otherwise, returns the number of rows in the updated database.
6 calls to ip2country_update_database()
- drush_ip2country_update in ./ - Implements drush_hook_COMMAND() for the ip2country-update command.
- ip2countryTestCase::testDbDownload in tests/
ip2country.test - Tests DB download.
- ip2countryTestCase::testIpLookup in tests/
ip2country.test - Tests IP lookup for addresses in / not in the database.
- ip2country_cron in ./
ip2country.module - Implements hook_cron().
- ip2country_install in ./
ip2country.install - Implements hook_install().
2 string references to 'ip2country_update_database'
- ip2country_uninstall in ./
ip2country.install - Implements hook_uninstall().
- ip2country_update_1 in ./
ip2country.install - Renames tables and variables, cleans up database.
- ./, line 29 - Utility routines to load the IP to Country database.
function ip2country_update_database($registry = 'arin') {
$registry = drupal_strtolower(trim($registry));
// FTP files.
if ($registry == 'afrinic') {
// The afrinic NIC only holds its own data, unlike every other NIC.
$ftp_urls = array(
else {
// Note arin doesn't play by the file-naming rules.
$ftp_urls = array(
// Set a run-time long enough so the script won't break.
// 10 * 60 = 10 minutes!
drupal_set_time_limit(10 * 60);
* Load all the new data into a temporary table so the module still works
* while we're downloading and validating the new data.
// Ensure temporary table is missing.
// Obtain schema for {ip2country} table.
$schema = drupal_get_schema('ip2country', 'ip2country');
// Create an empty table identical to the {ip2country} table.
db_create_table('ip2country_temp', $schema);
// Prepare a query for insertions into the temporary table.
$query = db_insert('ip2country_temp')
// Download data files from the chosen registry.
$entries = 0;
$summary_records = 0;
foreach ($ftp_urls as $ftp_file) {
// Replace Registry source with chosen registry.
$ftp_file = str_replace('ftp.ripe', 'ftp.' . $registry, $ftp_file);
// RipeNCC is named ripe-ncc on APNIC registry.
if ($registry == 'apnic') {
$ftp_file = str_replace('stats/ripencc/', 'stats/ripe-ncc/', $ftp_file);
// File delegated-ripencc-latest is named delegated-ripencc-extended-latest
// on LACNIC registry.
if ($registry == 'lacnic') {
$ftp_file = str_replace('delegated-ripencc', 'delegated-ripencc-extended', $ftp_file);
// Fetch the FTP file using cURL.
$txt = _ip2country_fetch_page($ftp_file);
if ($txt == FALSE) {
// Fetch failed.
watchdog('ip2country', 'File empty or not found on @registry server: @ftp_file', array(
'@registry' => drupal_strtoupper($registry),
'@ftp_file' => $ftp_file,
return FALSE;
if (variable_get('ip2country_md5_checksum', FALSE)) {
// Fetch the MD5 checksum using cURL.
$md5 = _ip2country_fetch_page($ftp_file . '.md5');
if ($md5 == FALSE) {
// Fetch failed.
watchdog('ip2country', 'File not found on @registry server: @ftp_file.md5', array(
'@registry' => drupal_strtoupper($registry),
'@ftp_file' => $ftp_file,
return FALSE;
// Verify MD5 checksum.
$temp = explode(" ", $md5);
// ARIN returns two fields, MD5 is in first field.
// All other RIR return four fields, MD5 is in fourth field.
$md5 = isset($temp[3]) ? trim($temp[3]) : trim($temp[0]);
// Compare checksums.
if ($md5 != md5($txt)) {
// Checksums don't agree, so drop temporary table,
// add watchdog entry, then return error.
watchdog('ip2country', 'Validation of database from @registry server FAILED. MD5 checksum provided for the @ftp_file registry database does not match the calculated checksum.', array(
'@registry' => drupal_strtoupper($registry),
'@ftp_file' => $ftp_file,
return FALSE;
// Break the FTP file into records.
$lines = explode("\n", $txt);
// Free up memory.
// Loop over records.
$summary_not_found = TRUE;
foreach ($lines as $line) {
// Trim each line for security.
$line = trim($line);
// Skip comment lines and blank lines.
if (substr($line, 0, 1) == '#' || $line == '') {
// Split record into parts.
$parts = explode('|', $line);
// We're only interested in the ipv4 records.
if ($parts[2] != 'ipv4') {
// Save number of ipv4 records from summary line.
if ($summary_not_found && $parts[5] == 'summary') {
$summary_not_found = FALSE;
$summary_records += $parts[4];
// The registry that owns the range.
$owner_registry = $parts[0];
// The country code for the range.
$country_code = $parts[1];
// Prepare the IP data for insert.
$ip_start = (int) ip2long($parts[3]);
$ip_end = (int) ip2long($parts[3]) + ($parts[4] - 1);
$range_length = (int) $parts[4];
// Insert range into the prepared query.
'ip_range_first' => min($ip_start, $ip_end),
'ip_range_last' => max($ip_start, $ip_end),
'ip_range_length' => $range_length,
'country' => $country_code,
'registry' => $owner_registry,
// If we have prepared enough rows (= batch size) to be inserted,
// insert these rows simultaneously into temporary table.
if ($entries > 0 && $entries % variable_get('ip2country_update_batch_size', 200) == 0) {
// Keep track of where we are.
// Insert remaining rows (< batch size) into temporary table.
// Free up memory.
// Validate temporary table.
// Check row count matches number of rows reported in the summary record.
if ($summary_records == $entries) {
// Start transaction.
$txn = db_transaction();
try {
// Must do this in a transaction so that both functions succeed.
// Because if one works but the other doesn't we're in trouble.
db_rename_table('ip2country_temp', 'ip2country');
} catch (Exception $e) {
// Something failed, so roll back transaction.
// {ip2country} table will remain unchanged by this update attempt.
watchdog_exception('ip2country', $e);
return FALSE;
// Commit transaction.
// Record the time of update.
variable_set('ip2country_last_update', REQUEST_TIME);
variable_set('ip2country_last_update_rir', $registry);
// Return count of records in the table.
return $entries;
else {
// Validation failed, so drop temporary table, add watchdog entry,
// then return error.
watchdog('ip2country', 'Validation of database from @registry server FAILED. Server summary reported @summary rows available, but @entries rows were entered into the database.', array(
'@registry' => drupal_strtoupper($registry),
'@summary' => $summary_records,
'@entries' => $entries,
return FALSE;