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function ip2country_drush_help in IP-based Determination of a Visitor's Country 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 \ip2country_drush_help()

Implements hook_drush_help().

Use for extensive help, more than just the short usage summary that is already provided in hook_drush_command().

This function is called whenever a drush user calls 'drush help <name-of-your-command>'.


./, line 90
ip2country module integration with Drush 8 and earlier.


function ip2country_drush_help($section) {
  switch ($section) {

    // The 'title' meta item is used to name a group of
    // commands in `drush help`.
    case 'meta:ip2country:title':
      return dt('Ip2Country commands');

    // The 'summary' meta item is displayed in `drush help --filter`,
    // and is used to give a general idea what the commands in this
    // command file do, and what they have in common.
    case 'meta:ip2country:summary':
      return dt("Identifies a user's location based on IP address.");

    // The ip2country-lookup command.
    case 'drush:ip2country-lookup':
      return dt('Returns the 2-character ISO 3166 country code associated with a given IP address.');

    // The ip2country-update command.
    case 'drush:ip2country-update':
      return dt('Updates the Ip2Country database from the selected Regional Internet Registry.');

    // The ip2country-status command.
    case 'drush:ip2country-status':
      return dt('Displays the time and RIR of the last database update.');