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function ip_tracker_ip_user_count in IP address manager 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 ip.module \ip_tracker_ip_user_count()
  2. 6 ip.module \ip_tracker_ip_user_count()
  3. 7 ip.module \ip_tracker_ip_user_count()

Count how many users have been tracked against an IP.

1 call to ip_tracker_ip_user_count()
IpUserCountField::render in src/Plugin/views/field/IpUserCountField.php
Render the field.


./ip.module, line 126
IP address manager module.


function ip_tracker_ip_user_count($ip) {
  $sql = "SELECT COUNT(uid) FROM {ip_tracker} WHERE ip = :ip";
  $args = array(
    ':ip' => ip2long($ip),
  $count = db_query($sql, $args)
  return $count;