function invite_process in Invite 6.2
Process a user that accepted an invitation.
$invite: An invite object.
$account: The user object that accepted the invitation.
Return value
Array of target roles for the invited user.
1 call to invite_process()
- invite_user in ./
invite.module - Implementation of hook_user().
- ./
invite.module, line 516 - Allows your users to send and track invitations to join your site.
function invite_process($invite, $account) {
// Update the invitation record.
db_query("UPDATE {invite} SET email = '%s', invitee = %d, joined = %d WHERE reg_code = '%s'", $account->mail, $account->uid, time(), $invite->reg_code);
// Delete all invites to these e-mail addresses, except this one.
db_query("DELETE FROM {invite} WHERE (email = '%s' OR email = '%s') AND reg_code <> '%s'", $invite->email, $account->mail, $invite->reg_code);
// Add all users who invited this particular e-mail address to the
// notification queue.
db_query("INSERT INTO {invite_notifications} (uid, invitee) SELECT uid, %d from {invite} WHERE (email = '%s' OR email = '%s') AND canceled = 0", $account->uid, $invite->email, $account->mail);
// Unblock the user account.
db_query("UPDATE {users} SET status = 1 WHERE uid = %d", $account->uid);
// Determine target roles for invited user.
$roles = invite_target_roles($invite);
// Allow other modules to act on the role escalation.
$args = array(
'invitee' => $account,
'inviter' => $invite->inviter,
'roles' => &$roles,
module_invoke_all('invite', 'escalate', $args);
return $roles;