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function invite_form in Invite 6.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5.2 invite.module \invite_form()
  2. 5 invite.module \invite_form()
  3. 7.4 includes/ \invite_form()
  4. 7.2 invite.module \invite_form()

Generate the invite forms.


$form_satate: A keyed array containing the current state of the form.

$op: The type of form to generate, 'page' or 'block'.

$edit: Previous values when resending an invite.

Return value

A form definition.

3 string references to 'invite_form'
invite_block in ./invite.module
Implementation of hook_block().
invite_menu in ./invite.module
Implementation of hook_menu().
invite_resend in ./invite.module
Menu callback; resend an expired invite.


./invite.module, line 626
Allows your users to send and track invitations to join your site.


function invite_form(&$form_state, $op = 'page', $edit = array()) {
  global $user;
  if (!is_array($edit)) {
    $edit = (array) $edit;
  $remaining_invites = invite_get_remaining_invites($user);
  if ($remaining_invites == 0) {
    if ($op == 'block') {

      // Hide block.
      $form['#access'] = FALSE;
      return $form;
    elseif (!$edit) {

      // Deny access when NOT resending an invite.
      drupal_set_message(t("Sorry, you've reached the maximum number of invitations."), 'error');
  $form['resent'] = array(
    '#type' => 'value',
    '#value' => $edit ? $edit['resent'] + 1 : 0,
  $form['reg_code'] = array(
    '#type' => 'value',
    '#value' => $edit ? $edit['reg_code'] : NULL,
  if ($remaining_invites != INVITE_UNLIMITED) {
    $form['remaining_invites'] = array(
      '#type' => 'value',
      '#value' => $remaining_invites,
  switch ($op) {
    case 'page':
      $form += invite_page_form($remaining_invites, $edit);
    case 'block':
      $form += invite_block_form($remaining_invites);
  return $form;