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function _invite_get_mail_template in Invite 5.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5 invite.module \_invite_get_mail_template()
  2. 6.2 invite.module \_invite_get_mail_template()
  3. 7.2 invite.module \_invite_get_mail_template()

Returns the configured or default e-mail template.

Return value

The localized e-mail body.

3 calls to _invite_get_mail_template()
invite_form_submit in ./invite.module
Forms API callback; process submitted form data.
theme_invite_form in ./invite.module
Theme function for the invite form.
_invite_settings in ./
Menu callback; display invite settings form.


./invite.module, line 1318
Allows your users to send and track invitations to join your site.


function _invite_get_mail_template() {
  $template = t("Your friend, [inviter-raw], has invited you to join [site-name] at [site-url].\n\nTo become a member of [site-name], click the link below or paste it into the address bar of your browser.\n\n[join-link]\n\n----------\n[invite-message-raw]");
  return variable_get('invite_default_mail_template', $template);