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function interval_period_options_list in Interval Field 7

Returns an options list of all supported interval periods.

2 string references to 'interval_period_options_list'
interval_entity_property_field_item_interval_info in ./interval.module
Defines the data structure used for interval field items.
interval_rules_action_info in ./
Implements hook_rules_action_info().


./interval.module, line 531
Defines an interval field @copyright Copyright(c) 2011 Rowlands Group @license GPL v2+ @author Lee Rowlands leerowlands at rowlandsgroup dot com


function interval_period_options_list() {
  $options = array();
  foreach (interval_get_intervals() as $interval => $info) {
    $options[$interval] = $info['plural'];
  return $options;