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class InstagramFeedsPluginsPager in Instagram Feeds 7

Fetches data via Instagram API with the ability to page all results.


Expanded class hierarchy of InstagramFeedsPluginsPager

5 string references to 'InstagramFeedsPluginsPager'
instagram_feeds_feeds_after_parse in ./instagram_feeds.module
Implements hook_feeds_after_parse().
instagram_feeds_feeds_importer_default in ./
Implements hook_feeds_importer_default().
instagram_feeds_plugins_feeds_plugins in modules/instagram_feeds_plugins/instagram_feeds_plugins.module
Implements hook_feeds_plugins().
instagram_feeds_plugins_feeds_presave in modules/instagram_feeds_plugins/instagram_feeds_plugins.module
Invoked before a feed item is saved.
instagram_feeds_plugins_file_feeds_set_target in modules/instagram_feeds_plugins/instagram_feeds_plugins.module
Callback for mapping. Here is where the actual mapping happens.


modules/instagram_feeds_plugins/plugins/feeds/, line 41
Home of the InstagramFeedsPluginsPager.

View source
class InstagramFeedsPluginsPager extends FeedsHTTPFetcher {

   * Implements parent::fetch().
  public function fetch(FeedsSource $source) {

    // Taken from parent::fetch().
    $source_config = $source
    if ($this->config['use_pubsubhubbub'] && ($raw = $this
      ->receive())) {
      return new InstagramFeedsPluginsPagerResult($raw);

    // Initiate the fetch state.
    $state = $source

    // Populate the state.
    if (empty($state->inited)) {
      $state->inited = TRUE;
      $state->total = $this->config['max_pages'];
      $state->total_img = $this->config['number_of_images'];
      $state->item_count = array();
      $state->count = 0;
      $state->next_url = $source_config['source'];
      $state->page_until = $this

    // Increment the operation count.

    // If there is no maximum amount of pages, then continue to
    // increment the total count so the batch doesn't end until
    // we finish paging.
    if (!$this->config['max_pages'] && (!$this->config['number_of_images'] || !isset($state->item_count[$source_config['source']]) || isset($state->item_count[$source_config['source']]) && $state->item_count[$source_config['source']] < $this->config['number_of_images'])) {
      $state->total = $state->total + 2;
    elseif (isset($state->item_count[$source_config['source']]) && $state->item_count[$source_config['source']] >= $this->config['number_of_images']) {
      $state->total = $state->count - 1;

    // Set the progress.
      ->progress($state->total, $state->count);

    // Fetch the next URL, if there is one.
    if (isset($state->next_url) && $state->next_url) {
      $result = new InstagramFeedsPluginsPagerResult($state->next_url);

    // Unset the next URL so we can determine if there is a new one.
    $state->next_url = NULL;

    // Extract the feed result data.
    if (isset($result) && ($data = $result
      ->getRaw())) {

      // Decode the JSON.
      if ($data = drupal_json_decode($data)) {

        // Determine the next URL, if there is one.
        if (isset($data['pagination']['next_url'])) {
          $state->next_url = $data['pagination']['next_url'];

        // See if we've reached the item we need to page until.
        if (isset($state->page_until) && $state->page_until) {
          if (isset($data['data']) && is_array($data['data'])) {

            // Iterate all of the results.
            if (!$state->item_count || !isset($state->item_count[$source_config['source']])) {
              if (!is_array($state->item_count)) {
                $state->item_count = array();
              $state->item_count[$source_config['source']] = 0;
            foreach ($data['data'] as $item) {
              if (isset($item['id'])) {

                // Stop if we've reached the ID we're looking for.
                if ($item['id'] == $state->page_until || $state->total_img && $state->total_img < $state->item_count[$source_config['source']]) {

                  // Remove the next URL so the operation stops.
                  $state->next_url = NULL;

    // If there is not a next URL, then stop the operation.
    if (!$state->next_url) {
        ->progress($state->total, $state->total);

    // @todo: What's best to return if we have no $result.
    return isset($result) && $result ? $result : new InstagramFeedsPluginsPagerResult('');

   * Determine the last result ID fetched for a given feed nid.
   * This is used when paging an Instagram feed to determine when to
   * stop paging.
   * @param string $feed_nid
   *   The feed nid.
   * @return string
   *   The GUID of the last item fetched for the feed nid.
  public function pageUntilID($feed_nid) {
    return db_select('feeds_item', 'f')
      ->fields('f', array(
      ->condition('f.feed_nid', $feed_nid)
      ->range(0, 1)
      ->orderBy('guid', 'DESC')

   * Override of parent::configDefaults().
  public function configDefaults() {
    return parent::configDefaults() + array(
      'max_pages' => 0,
      'number_of_images' => 20,

   * Override of parent::configForm().
  public function configForm(&$form_state) {
    $form = parent::configForm($form_state);
    $form['max_pages'] = array(
      '#type' => 'textfield',
      '#title' => t('Max pages'),
      '#default_value' => $this->config['max_pages'],
      '#description' => t('Provide the maximum amount of pages to crawl. If set to 0, no maximum will be enforced.'),
    $form['number_of_images'] = array(
      '#type' => 'textfield',
      '#title' => t('Number of images'),
      '#default_value' => $this->config['number_of_images'],
      '#description' => t('Provide the amount of images to crawl. If set to 0, no maximum will be enforced.'),
      '#states' => array(
        'visible' => array(
          ':input[name="max_pages"]' => array(
            'value' => 0,
    return $form;

   * Override of parent::configFormValidate().
  public function configFormValidate(&$values) {

    // Make sure the max pages is numeric.
    if (!is_numeric($values['max_pages']) || $values['max_pages'] < 0) {
      form_set_error('max_pages', t('The maximum pages must be a number of zero or greater.'));
    if (!is_numeric($values['number_of_images']) || $values['number_of_images'] < 0) {
      form_set_error('number_of_images', t('The amount of images must be a number of zero or greater.'));

   * Override parent::sourceFormValidate().
  public function sourceFormValidate(&$values) {
    if (!feeds_valid_url($values['source'], TRUE)) {
      $form_key = 'feeds][' . get_class($this) . '][source';
      form_set_error($form_key, t('The URL %source is invalid.', array(
        '%source' => $values['source'],
    elseif ($this->config['auto_detect_feeds']) {
      feeds_include_library('', 'http_request');
      if ($url = http_request_get_common_syndication($values['source'], array(
        'accept_invalid_cert' => TRUE,
      ))) {
        $values['source'] = $url;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
InstagramFeedsPluginsPager::configDefaults public function Override of parent::configDefaults().
InstagramFeedsPluginsPager::configForm public function Override of parent::configForm().
InstagramFeedsPluginsPager::configFormValidate public function Override of parent::configFormValidate().
InstagramFeedsPluginsPager::fetch public function Implements parent::fetch().
InstagramFeedsPluginsPager::pageUntilID public function Determine the last result ID fetched for a given feed nid.
InstagramFeedsPluginsPager::sourceFormValidate public function Override parent::sourceFormValidate().