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public function TranslationTest::testTranslation in Inline Entity Form 8

Tests translating inline entities.


tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/TranslationTest.php, line 58


Tests translating inline entities.




public function testTranslation() {

  // Get the xpath selectors for the fields in this test.
  $first_nested_title_field_xpath = $this
    ->getXpathForNthInputByLabelText('Title', 2);
  $first_name_field_xpath = $this
    ->getXpathForNthInputByLabelText('First name', 1);
  $last_name_field_xpath = $this
    ->getXpathForNthInputByLabelText('Last name', 1);
  $assert_session = $this
  $page = $this

  // Create a German node with a French translation.
  $first_inline_node = Node::create([
    'type' => 'ief_reference_type',
    'langcode' => 'de',
    'title' => 'Kann ein Känguru höher als ein Haus springen?',
    'first_name' => 'Dieter',
  $translation = $first_inline_node
  $translation['title'][0]['value'] = "Un kangourou peut-il sauter plus haut qu'une maison?";
  $translation['first_name'][0]['value'] = 'Pierre';
    ->addTranslation('fr', $translation);
  $multi_fieldset = $assert_session
    ->elementExists('css', 'fieldset[data-drupal-selector="edit-multi"]');
    ->pressButton('Add existing node');

  // Reference the German node.
    ->assertNotEmpty($field = $assert_session
    ->waitForElement('xpath', $this
    ->setValue('Kann ein Känguru höher als ein Haus springen? (' . $first_inline_node
    ->id() . ')');
    ->pressButton('Add node');
    ->waitForRowByTitle('Kann ein Känguru höher als ein Haus springen?');

  // Add a new English inline node.
    ->pressButton('Add new node');
    ->assertNotEmpty($create_button = $assert_session
    ->waitForButton('Create node'));
    ->elementExists('xpath', $first_nested_title_field_xpath)
    ->setValue('Can a kangaroo jump higher than a house?');
    ->elementExists('xpath', $first_name_field_xpath)
    ->elementExists('xpath', $last_name_field_xpath)
    ->waitForRowByTitle('Can a kangaroo jump higher than a house?');
    ->assertRowByTitle('Kann ein Känguru höher als ein Haus springen?');
    ->elementsCount('css', 'tr.ief-row-entity', 2);
    ->fillField('title[0][value]', 'A node');
    ->selectFieldOption('langcode[0][value]', 'en');
    ->pageTextContains('IEF test complex A node has been created.');

  // Both inline nodes should now be in English.
  $first_inline_node = $this
    ->drupalGetNodeByTitle('Kann ein Känguru höher als ein Haus springen?');
  $second_inline_node = $this
    ->drupalGetNodeByTitle('Can a kangaroo jump higher than a house?');
    ->assertSame('en', $first_inline_node
    ->get('langcode')->value, 'The first inline entity has the correct langcode.');
    ->assertEquals('en', $second_inline_node
    ->get('langcode')->value, 'The second inline entity has the correct langcode.');

  // Edit the parent node and change the source language to German.
  $node = $this
    ->drupalGetNodeByTitle('A node');
    ->drupalGet('node/' . $node
    ->id() . '/edit');
    ->selectFieldOption('langcode[0][value]', 'de');

  // Both inline nodes should now be in German.
  $first_inline_node = $this
    ->drupalGetNodeByTitle('Kann ein Känguru höher als ein Haus springen?', TRUE);
  $second_inline_node = $this
    ->drupalGetNodeByTitle('Can a kangaroo jump higher than a house?', TRUE);
    ->assertSame('de', $first_inline_node
    ->get('langcode')->value, 'The first inline entity has the correct langcode.');
    ->assertSame('de', $second_inline_node
    ->get('langcode')->value, 'The second inline entity has the correct langcode.');

  // Add a German -> French translation of the parent node.
    ->drupalGet('node/' . $node
    ->id() . '/translations/add/de/fr');
    ->elementTextContains('xpath', '//fieldset[@id="edit-multi"]/legend/span', 'Multiple nodes');

  // Confirm that the add and remove buttons are not present.
  $multi_fieldset = $assert_session
    ->elementExists('css', 'fieldset[data-drupal-selector="edit-multi"]');
    ->assertEquals(FALSE, $multi_fieldset
    ->hasButton('Add new node'));
    ->assertEquals(FALSE, $multi_fieldset

  // Confirm the presence of the two node titles, in the expected languages.
  $first_reference = $this
    ->assertRowByTitle("Un kangourou peut-il sauter plus haut qu'une maison?");
  $second_reference = $this
    ->assertRowByTitle('Can a kangaroo jump higher than a house?');
    ->elementsCount('css', 'tr.ief-row-entity', 2);

  // Edit the first referenced translation.
    ->assertNotEmpty($update_button = $assert_session
    ->waitForButton('Update node'));
    ->elementExists('xpath', $first_nested_title_field_xpath)
    ->setValue("Un kangourou peut-il sauter plus haut qu'une maison? - mis à jour");
    ->elementExists('xpath', $first_name_field_xpath)
    ->waitForRowByTitle("Un kangourou peut-il sauter plus haut qu'une maison? - mis à jour");

  // Edit the second referenced translation.
    ->assertNotEmpty($update_button = $assert_session
    ->waitForButton('Update node'));
    ->elementExists('xpath', $first_nested_title_field_xpath)
    ->setValue('tous les animaux qui sautent');
    ->elementExists('xpath', $first_name_field_xpath)
    ->waitForRowByTitle('tous les animaux qui sautent');
    ->pressButton('Save (this translation)');
    ->pageTextContains('IEF test complex A node has been updated.');

  // Load using the original titles, confirming they haven't changed.
  $first_inline_node = $this
    ->drupalGetNodeByTitle('Kann ein Känguru höher als ein Haus springen?', TRUE);
  $second_inline_node = $this
    ->drupalGetNodeByTitle('Can a kangaroo jump higher than a house?', TRUE);

  // Confirm that the expected translated values are present.
    ->assertEquals(TRUE, $first_inline_node
    ->hasTranslation('fr'), 'The first inline entity has a FR translation');
    ->assertEquals(TRUE, $second_inline_node
    ->hasTranslation('fr'), 'The second inline entity has a FR translation');
  $first_translation = $first_inline_node
    ->assertSame("Un kangourou peut-il sauter plus haut qu'une maison? - mis à jour", $first_translation->title->value);
    ->assertSame('Damien', $first_translation->first_name->value);
  $second_translation = $second_inline_node
    ->assertEquals('tous les animaux qui sautent', $second_translation->title->value);
    ->assertSame('Jacques', $second_translation->first_name->value);