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public function SimpleWidgetTest::testSimpleValidation in Inline Entity Form 8

Test Validation on Simple Widget.


tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/SimpleWidgetTest.php, line 130


Tests the IEF simple widget.




public function testSimpleValidation() {

  // Get the xpath selectors for the fields in this test.
  $title_field_xpath = $this
    ->getXpathForNthInputByLabelText('Title', 1);
  $nested_title_field_xpath = $this
    ->getXpathForNthInputByLabelText('Title', 2);
  $positive_int_field_xpath = $this
    ->getXpathForNthInputByLabelText('Positive int', 1);
  $page = $this
  $assert_session = $this
  $host_node_title = 'Host Validation Node';

  // Assert inline entity field widget title found.
    ->pageTextContains('Single node');

  // Assert inline entity field description found.
    ->pageTextContains('Reference a single node.');

  // Assert positive int field found.
    ->pageTextContains('Positive int');
    ->elementExists('xpath', $title_field_xpath)

  // Assert title validation fires on Inline Entity Form widget.
    ->pageTextNotContains('IEF simple single Host Validation Node has been created.');

  // Assert that we're still on form due to to validation error.
  $child_title = 'Child node ' . $this
    ->elementExists('xpath', $nested_title_field_xpath)
    ->elementExists('xpath', $positive_int_field_xpath)

  // Assert field validation fires on Inline Entity Form widget.
    ->pageTextNotContains('IEF simple single Host Validation Node has been created.');

  // Assert that we're still on form due to to validation error.
    ->elementExists('xpath', $positive_int_field_xpath)

  // Assert title validation passes on Inline Entity Form widget.
    ->pageTextNotContains('Title field is required.');

  // Assert field validation fires on Inline Entity Form widget.
    ->pageTextNotContains('Positive int must be higher than or equal to 1');
    ->pageTextContains('IEF simple single Host Validation Node has been created.');

  // Check that nodes were created correctly.
  $host_node = $this
    ->assertNotNull($host_node, 'Host node created.');
  if (isset($host_node)) {

    // Assert that address is the canonical page after node add.
      ->toUrl('canonical', [
      'absolute' => TRUE,
    $child_node = $this
    if (isset($child_node)) {
        ->assertSame($host_node->single[0]->target_id, $child_node
        ->id(), 'Child node is referenced');
        ->assertSame($child_node->positive_int[0]->value, '1', 'Child node int field correct.');
        ->bundle(), 'ief_test_custom', 'Child node is correct bundle.');