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public function EntityInlineEntityFormController::css in Inline Entity Form 7

Returns an array of css filepaths for the current entity type, keyed by theme name.

If provided, the "base" CSS file is included for all themes. If a CSS file matching the current theme exists, it will also be included.

return array(
  'base' => drupal_get_path('module', 'test_module') . '/css/inline_entity_form.base.css',
  'seven' => drupal_get_path('module', 'test_module') . '/css/',
1 method overrides EntityInlineEntityFormController::css()
CommerceProductInlineEntityFormController::css in includes/
Overrides EntityInlineEntityFormController::css().


includes/, line 32
Defines the base inline entity form controller.


@file Defines the base inline entity form controller.


public function css() {
  return array();