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function img_assist_render_image in Image Assist 5.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5 img_assist.module \img_assist_render_image()
  2. 5.2 img_assist.module \img_assist_render_image()
  3. 6.2 img_assist.module \img_assist_render_image()
  4. 6 img_assist.module \img_assist_render_image()

Return image HTML.

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./img_assist.module, line 1353
Image Assist module


function img_assist_render_image($attributes = array()) {
  global $user;
  if ($attributes['nid']) {
    $node = node_load($attributes['nid']);

    // Get image size.
    $width = (int) $attributes['width'];
    $height = (int) $attributes['height'];
    $default_sizes = image_get_sizes();
    if ($width || $height) {

      // Check to ensure that the dimensions don't exceed the max set in the
      // img_assist settings.
      $max_size = explode('x', variable_get('img_assist_max_size', '640x640'));
      $width = $width <= $max_size[0] ? $width : $max_size[0];
      $height = $height <= $max_size[1] ? $height : $max_size[1];

      // Get width and height of original size.
      $original_size = image_get_info(file_create_path($node->images[IMAGE_ORIGINAL]));
      if ($width == $original_size['width'] && $height == $original_size['height']) {

        // Nothing to process, this is the original image size.
        $closest_std_size = IMAGE_ORIGINAL;
        $create_custom = FALSE;
      else {

        // Get width and height of preview size.
        $preview_size = image_get_info(file_create_path($node->images[IMAGE_PREVIEW]));
        $preview_width = $preview_size['width'];
        $preview_height = $preview_size['height'];
        if ($preview_width && $preview_height) {

          // Get aspect ratio from preview image dimensions.
          $aspect_ratio = round($preview_width / $preview_height, 6);

          // Get new width and height for this inline image.
          // If height is either left out or larger than width then
          // Width is controlling factor.
          if (!$height || $width && round($width / $aspect_ratio) <= $height) {
            $height = round($width / $aspect_ratio);
          else {
            $width = round($height * $aspect_ratio);

          // Find out whether the given width/height is the same as (or extremely
          // close to) a default image derivative size; if so, we will use the
          // default size instead of generating a custom image.
          $diag_size_new = sqrt(pow($width, 2) + pow($height, 2));
          $closest_difference = 9999;
          foreach ($default_sizes as $key => $stdsize) {
            $width_std = $stdsize['width'];
            $height_std = $stdsize['height'];

            // Diagonal size calculations require a width or height.
            if (!$height_std && !$width_std) {

              // For the original image, we can fall back to actual dimensions
              // though. In fact, IMAGE_ORIGINAL can either have maximum
              // dimensions (so aspect ratio based calculations below will apply)
              // or the real dimensions (which must be considered as valid
              // "derivative size").
              // Note that this annuls the 'use original size' user permission.
              if ($key !== IMAGE_ORIGINAL) {
              else {
                $width_std = $original_size['width'];
                $height_std = $original_size['height'];

            // Calculate default width and height based on aspect ratio.
            // Width is controlling factor.
            if (!$height_std && ($width_std && round($width_std / $aspect_ratio) <= $height_std)) {
              $height_std = round($width_std / $aspect_ratio);
            else {
              $width_std = round($height_std * $aspect_ratio);

            // Calculate diagonal size of this default size.
            $diag_size_std = sqrt(pow($width_std, 2) + pow($height_std, 2));
            $difference = abs($diag_size_new - $diag_size_std);
            if ($difference < $closest_difference) {
              $closest_std_size = $key;
              $closest_difference = $difference;

          // If, for any reason, no default image derivative size has a width or
          // height, fall back to IMAGE_THUMBNAIL.
          if (!isset($closest_std_size)) {
            $closest_std_size = IMAGE_THUMBNAIL;
          if ($closest_difference < 3) {
            $create_custom = FALSE;
          else {
            $img_assist_create_derivatives = variable_get('img_assist_create_derivatives', array());

            // If all users are allowed to create custom sized images.
            if ($img_assist_create_derivatives['custom_all']) {
              $create_custom = TRUE;
            elseif ($img_assist_create_derivatives['custom_advanced']) {

              // Note: The following line is NOT the right way to do this.
              // The user acount passed to user_access() should be the user who
              // CREATED this node, not the CURRENT user. I'm not sure how to
              // get the user who created the node, because this function
              // doesn't have access to the node object. I could probably figure
              // out some hack, but I think I'm going to completely rethink the
              // 'img_assist_create_derivatives' option. When I started it this
              // method made sense, but the more I've worked on this, the more
              // confusing it gets.
              if (user_access('access advanced options', $user)) {
                $create_custom = TRUE;
              else {
                $create_custom = TRUE;
            else {
              $create_custom = FALSE;
      if ($create_custom) {
        $size['label'] = t('Custom');

        // Add width and height to make it possible to have multiple custom
        // sizes of the same image.
        $size['key'] = 'img_assist_custom-' . $width . 'x' . $height;
        $size['width'] = $width;
        $size['height'] = $height;
      else {
        $size['key'] = $closest_std_size;
    else {
      $size = $default_sizes[IMAGE_THUMBNAIL];
      $size['key'] = IMAGE_THUMBNAIL;
    return theme('img_assist_inline', $node, $size, $attributes);
  elseif ($attributes['fid']) {
    $img = img_assist_load_image($attributes['fid'], FALSE);
    $image = array_shift($img);
    $width = $attributes['width'] ? $attributes['width'] : $image->width;
    $height = $attributes['height'] ? $attributes['height'] : $image->height;
    $src = file_create_url($image->filepath);
    $class = $attributes['class'] ? $attributes['class'] : 'image';
    $img_template = theme('img_assist_legacy');
    $img_template = strtr($img_template, array(
      '%caption' => $attributes['caption'],
      '%node-link' => url('node/' . $image->nid),
      '%nid' => $image->nid,
      '%img-link' => $image->filepath,
      '%alt' => check_plain($attributes['alt']),
      '%width' => $width,
      '%height' => $height,
      '%src' => $src,
      '%image-class' => $class,
    return $img_template;