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imce-content.tpl.php in IMCE 6

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 6.2 tpl/imce-content.tpl.php
  2. 7 tpl/imce-content.tpl.php


View source

$imce =& $imce_ref['imce'];

//keep this line.
$directory = drupal_get_path('module', 'imce');

//main css file.
drupal_add_css($directory . '/css/imce-content.css');

//Browsing enhancements. Keyboard shortcuts, file sorting, resizebars, and inline thumbnail preview. (Safe to delete)
drupal_add_js($directory . '/js/imce_extras.js');
  imce.hooks.load.push(imce.initiateShortcuts);//shortcuts for directories and files
  imce.hooks.load.push(imce.initiateSorting);//file sorting
  imce.hooks.load.push(imce.initiateResizeBars);//area resizing bars
  imce.hooks.list.push(imce.thumbRow); $.extend(imce.vars, {tMaxW: 120, tMaxH: 120, prvW: 40, prvH: 40});//inline thumbs
', 'inline');

//You can disable any of the extra features by deleting or commenting the corresponding line.

//For inline thumnails: images that are smaller than (tMaxW x tMaxH) are previewed inside the rows as (prvW x prvH).

//This does not affect the main previewing feature, which can be disabled by uncommenting the line below.

//drupal_add_js('$.extend(imce.vars, {previewImages: 0});', 'inline');
<!--[if IE]><style type="text/css">#file-list-wrapper{padding-right: 2em}#file-list{margin-right: -2em}</style><![endif]-->
<!--[if IE 6]><style type="text/css">.y-resizer{font-size: 0.2em;}#sub-browse-wrapper{float: left; clear: right;}#preview-wrapper{overflow: visible;}#file-preview{width: 99%; height: 99%; overflow: auto;}</style><![endif]-->

print t('You should use a javascript-enabled browser in order to experience a much more user-friendly interface.');

<div id="imce-content">

<a href="#" id="help-box"><!-- Update help content if you disable any of the extra features above. -->
  <div id="help-box-title"><?php

print t('Help');
  <div id="help-box-content">

print t('Tips');
    <ul class="tips">

print t('Select a file by clicking the corresponding row in the file list.');

print t('Ctrl+click to add files to the selection or to remove files from the selection.');

print t('Shift+click to create a range selection. Click to start the range and shift+click to end it.');

print t('Sort the files by clicking a column header of the file list.');

print t('Resize the work-spaces by dragging the horizontal or vertical resize-bars.');

print t('Keyboard shortcuts for file list: up, down, left, home, end, ctrl+A.');

print t('Keyboard shortcuts for selected files: enter/insert, delete, R(esize), T(humbnails), U(pload).');

print t('Keyboard shortcuts for directory list: up, down, left, right, home, end.');

print t('Limitations');
    <ul class="tips">

print t('Maximum file size per upload') . ': ' . ($imce['filesize'] ? format_size($imce['filesize']) : t('unlimited'));

print t('Permitted file extensions') . ': ' . ($imce['extensions'] != '*' ? $imce['extensions'] : t('all'));

print t('Maximum image resolution') . ': ' . ($imce['dimensions'] ? $imce['dimensions'] : t('unlimited'));

print t('Maximum number of files per operation') . ': ' . ($imce['filenum'] ? $imce['filenum'] : t('unlimited'));

<div id="ops-wrapper">
  <div id="op-items" class="clear-block"><ul class="tabs secondary" id="ops-list"></ul></div>
  <div id="op-contents"></div>

<div id="resizable-content">

<div id="browse-wrapper">

  <div id="navigation-wrapper">
    <div class="navigation-text"><?php

print t('Navigation');
    <ul id="navigation-tree"><li class="expanded root"><?php

print $tree;

  <div id="navigation-resizer" class="x-resizer"></div>

  <div id="sub-browse-wrapper">

    <div id="file-header-wrapper">
      <table id="file-header" class="files"><tbody><tr>
        <td class="name"><?php

print t('File name');
        <td class="size"><?php

print t('Size');
        <td class="width"><?php

print t('Width');
        <td class="height"><?php

print t('Height');
        <td class="date"><?php

print t('Date');

    <div id="file-list-wrapper">

print theme('imce_file_list', $imce_ref);

/* see imce-file-list-tpl.php */

    <div id="dir-stat"><?php

print t('!num files using !dirsize of !quota', array(
  '!num' => '<span id="file-count">' . count($imce['files']) . '</span>',
  '!dirsize' => '<span id="dir-size">' . format_size($imce['dirsize']) . '</span>',
  '!quota' => '<span id="dir-quota">' . ($imce['quota'] ? format_size($imce['quota']) : ($imce['tuquota'] ? format_size($imce['tuquota']) : t('unlimited quota'))) . '</span>',

  </div><!-- sub-browse-wrapper -->
</div><!-- browse-wrapper -->

<div id="browse-resizer" class="y-resizer"></div>

<div id="log-prv-wrapper">
  <div id="log-wrapper"></div>
  <div id="log-resizer" class="x-resizer"></div>
  <div id="preview-wrapper"><div id="file-preview"></div></div>

</div><!-- resizable-content -->

<div id="content-resizer" class="y-resizer"></div>
<a href="#" id="log-clearer" class="imce-hide"><?php

print t('Clear log');

<div id="forms-wrapper"><?php

print $forms;

</div><!-- imce-content -->